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 Georgia Invitational Tournament
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2 sons

88 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2011 :  14:33:45  Show Profile

Georgia Invitational Tournament
March 25 - 26, 2011

9U and 10U - West Jackson Park 374 Cabin Dr Hoschton GA. 30548
11U and 12U - Victor C Lord 175 Second St Winder Ga 30680
Both park are easily accessed from I-85N.

Teams that finish in the top 25% of their age group will qualify for the Nations State Championships being held in Forsyth county in June.

Baseball The Magazine will cover the Georgia Invitational Tournament with game articles, tournament highlights and pictures in 2011.

Superior Baseball Events is pleased to announce that each participating player at the Georgia Invitational Tournament will receive a University of Georgia Baseball game coupon.
The coupon is good for a $1.00 admission ticket to the Georgia Baseball game on Tuesday, April 5th at Foley Field on the University of Georgia campus.

9U, 10U, 11U, 12U - $375.00

Committed Teams as of 3/14/11
1. WF Diamond Dawgs
2. SP Cobras
3. Ga Team Raiders
4. Oregon Park Sharks
5. Elite Gamers
6. North Georgia Renegades
7. North Gwinnett Bulldogs
8. Lake Lanier Copperheads
9. EC Braves

1. Millcreek Hawks
2. Ga Select Red
3. SP Falcons
4. WF Diamond Dawgs
5. 643 DP Cougars
6. Covington Sting
7. East Cobb Astros
8. East Cobb Mudcats
9. SP Storm
10. NF Knights

1. GA Select Red
2. Shiloh Titans
3. Ga Mudcats
4. South Forsyth Elite
5. GA Redbirds
6. Columbia County Bulldogs
7. GA Nationals
8. GA Grip

1. GA Select
2. GA Academy / Team TPX
3. ECB Stars
4. Millcreek Hawks
5. GA Dirt Dawgz Red
6. Collins Hill Eagles Green
7. 643 DP Cougars
8. Sandtown Red Sox
9. Midway Dirty Dawgs
10. Grayson Rams
11. Sharon Springs Spartans Black
12. 643 Jaguars

The top 4 - 12U finishing teams in the will receive an invitation to the Memorial Day Invitational Tournament being held in Chattanooga TN on May 27 - 29, 2011.

For more information visit: www.superiorbaseballevents.com
Contact: superiorbaseballevents@gmail.com

Superior Baseball Events

2 sons

88 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2011 :  17:39:49  Show Profile

UPDATE 3/17/11

Georgia Invitational Tournament
March 25 - 26, 2011

9U and 10U - West Jackson Park 374 Cabin Dr Hoschton GA. 30548
11U and 12U - Victor C Lord 175 Second St Winder Ga 30680
Both park are easily accessed from I-85N.

Teams that finish in the top 25% of their age group will qualify for the Nations State Championships being held in Forsyth county in June.

Baseball The Magazine will cover the Georgia Invitational Tournament with game articles, tournament highlights and pictures in 2011.

Superior Baseball Events is pleased to announce that each participating player at the Georgia Invitational Tournament will receive a University of Georgia Baseball game coupon.
The coupon is good for a $1.00 admission ticket to the Georgia Baseball game on Tuesday, April 5th at Foley Field on the University of Georgia campus.

9U, 10U, 11U, 12U - $375.00

Committed Teams as of 3/17/11
1. WF Diamond Dawgs
2. SP Cobras
3. Ga Team Raiders
4. Oregon Park Sharks
5. Elite Gamers
6. North Georgia Renegades
7. North Gwinnett Bulldogs
8. Lake Lanier Copperheads
9. EC Braves

1. Millcreek Hawks
2. Ga Select Red
3. SP Falcons
4. 643 DP Cougars
5. Covington Sting
6. East Cobb Astros
7. East Cobb Mudcats
8. SP Storm
9. NF Knights

1. GA Select Red
2. Shiloh Titans
3. Ga Mudcats
4. South Forsyth Elite
5. GA Redbirds
6. Columbia County Bulldogs
7. GA Nationals
8. GA Grip
9. East Cobb Braves

1. GA Select
2. GA Academy / Team TPX
3. ECB Stars
4. Millcreek Hawks
5. GA Dirt Dawgz Red
6. Collins Hill Eagles Green
7. 643 DP Cougars
8. Wills Park Warriors
9. Midway Dirty Dawgs
10. Grayson Rams
11. Sharon Springs Spartans Black
12. 643 Jaguars

The top 4 - 12U finishing teams in the will receive an invitation to the Memorial Day Invitational Tournament being held in Chattanooga TN on May 27 - 29, 2011.

For more information visit: www.superiorbaseballevents.com
Contact: superiorbaseballevents@gmail.com

Superior Baseball Events
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