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 Wifi access for iPad scoring

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
04BoSox07 Posted - 01/04/2012 : 21:18:24
Hey Ladies,

Santa gave me an iPad 2 for Christmas! I think mainly so I can do the scoring in real time. I am going to need wifi access and won't have it at every park. I have heard about getting a hot spot through my phone and then hooking it up some how to the iPad.

If you have any experience with this and have any recommendations, I would really appreciate your thoughts!
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mad1 Posted - 01/23/2012 : 13:41:43
I think the most popular two are iscore and gamechanger. I personally use iscore , not because its any better, just because thats what i started on and am use to.
Dbltrbl Posted - 01/23/2012 : 12:20:57
Hello ladies,

I hope everyone is enjoying the start of the season! Santa also bought me an iPad2 ;~). What is the name of the app for scorekeeping? Thanks.
RACGOFAR Posted - 01/12/2012 : 22:46:49
I have a IPad 2 and tMobile Hotspot device. The Hotspot does not stay charged for very long when it's being used heavily. Have not tried it with live scoring, but i know from using it that it would not make it through a long sunday without being charged.
Mad1 Posted - 01/05/2012 : 12:22:37
I score all our games on ipad, have scored as many as 3 or 4 on brackett day without charging. I would charge it in the car between games if it becomes a problem. Just get a car charger that accepts the usb end of your ipad cord. No more than about 5 -10 dollars if you dont have one. Using the hotspot and transmitting during the game will eat more battery time. I just post to site after game most of the time.
04BoSox07 Posted - 01/05/2012 : 11:53:31
Mine is wifi only, not with 3G, so I will need to look into a hotspot device. Thanks for your ideas! (I was trying to avoid another monthly charge, but it will be worth it in the long run.) One more question, I have heard that battery life on the ipad when having multiple games on one day can become a problem... any thoughts?
Peanutsr Posted - 01/05/2012 : 10:11:14
My bad. My son's ipad has wi fi, I didn't even consider the fact that not all ipads have it.
Mad1 Posted - 01/05/2012 : 09:04:38
I assumed the ipad was just a wifi model and not 3G. If it is a 3G model, then Peanutsr is exactly correct, and that is the way to go.
Peanutsr Posted - 01/05/2012 : 06:36:40
You can get a 2GB data plan for 25. a month. You do it right from your Ipad.
Mad1 Posted - 01/04/2012 : 22:12:24
You can do this two ways, either subscribe to a hotspot device from your service provider or have a phone that can act as a hotspot and wirelessly connect to ipad. Either way will work. It may take a upgrade of your phone depending on the type you have. I would get the wireless hot spot myself, so I didnt interfere wth phone use.

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