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 It's not officially "winter" yet...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rippit Posted - 12/16/2011 : 20:30:52
BUT...I am so handling the off season with much more grace and dignity than I did last year!!!

The balmy temps are helping I guess.

Also, some of the "unknown" has been taken away after a successful fall campaign. Not so much worried about anybody on the team falling "behind" because we are in such a good situation.

Makes things much less stressful to deal with you know?!

Oh, and while I'm here ~ MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

(20 days until "spring" training begins!!)
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
barsred98 Posted - 01/14/2012 : 13:23:36
We are scheduled outside for Sunday afternoon! Ready to see the team back on the field and getting ready for Spring!
Mad1 Posted - 01/13/2012 : 12:56:28
We're practicing on Sunday afternoon, but dont know if it's inside or outside yet. Have both available.
rippit Posted - 01/13/2012 : 12:48:14
But now it is and it's frickin' cold today!!! Who's practicing today or this weekend?

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