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 So - how was fall for everyone?

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Smile [:)] Big Smile [:D] Cool [8D] Blush [:I]
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bbmom2 Posted - 11/08/2011 : 07:55:39
Now that the fall season is winding down - was everyone pleased and players had a good fall?

We were pleased with our choice. All in all, good kids and parents. Did well for the fall and already looking forward to spring!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Coach D Posted - 11/25/2011 : 11:32:32
Sign me up too!!
barsred98 Posted - 11/23/2011 : 13:33:38
Unless you chain and padlock the gate! Spring starts Monday 1/2/12 right?
gunslinger33 Posted - 11/21/2011 : 15:37:31
So I take it you will be with us in the Spring.
barsred98 Posted - 11/14/2011 : 20:41:52
Pleased as
a bug in a rug
a dog when you scratch behind its ears
a student seeing a substitute on test day
a speeder when a police car goes past him even faster

Can't wait for spring!
rippit Posted - 11/14/2011 : 12:08:51
Things went extremely well for us! I can't believe it's the middle of November already...

We are looking forward to continuing to play with a team chock full of experienced players, coaches and parents next spring. It's SO EXCITING!!

I'm sure I'll be back here whining about the drudgery of winter after the holidays, but for now I am happy to be able to focus on getting things ready for Christmas while doing a little nesting in the warmth of our home for a while. It helps with withdrawal symptoms that the team will continue to practice on weekends when the weather is nice. It's a nice balance!

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