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 Hillgrove 8th Grade Baseball Tryouts

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gnats-Baseball Posted - 06/30/2011 : 20:49:27
Hillgrove 8th Grade Baseball Tryouts

Who: Any rising 7th or 8th grade student interested in playing baseball at Hillgrove HS that currently lives in the Hillgrove district

When: Sunday, August 14 2pm to 5pm
Sunday, August 21 2pm to 5pm
Sunday, August 28 (if necessary) 2pm to 5pm

Dates and Times are subject to change, please go to www.hillgrovedugoutclub.com for updated information.

Location: Hillgrove HS Baseball Field

Important Information:

We will yet again put together our Hillgrove 8th grade baseball team for the spring and summer of 2012. Anyone young man that will be entering the 7th or 8th grade that tryout provided they live within the Hillgrove attendance zone. We will most likely keep 13 to 15 players on this team.

Our plan is for the team to practice consistently and also play in various 14u tournaments during the spring. Then once school is out in late May, this team will be become part of the Hillgrove HS summer program that will be coached by Hillgrove High School coaches. The summer program will practice and play games the last week in May and most of the month of June.

If you are interested in trying out for this team, email one of the following people by Monday, August 8th:

David Richardson david.richardson@cobbk12.org
Head Coach Hillgrove HS

Andrew Alverson jrhawksbaseball@gmail.com
Coach Hillgrove 8th grade team

NOTE regarding bats:
The Hillgrove 8th Grade Team will use -3 BBCOR regulation bats (just like all HS and College Teams must use). All those trying out will have to use -3 BBCOR regulation bats during tryouts. We will provide these bats for use at tryouts. We will have 31 inch, 32 inch, and 33 inch lengths available.

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