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 Two (2) 2017 DeMarini CF Zens for sale. 32/27

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JOHNHUBBARD92 Posted - 08/20/2019 : 17:41:10
Drop 5. The perfect bat for the 12U and 13U seasons. I have one in pristine condition that was only used in games and I have one that is beat up and used for BP, but still game legal and fine. Selling the good one for $500 and the beat up one for $250 - or BOTH FOR $600. I'd love to get rid of them to one person. I would pass them along to family or friends but I have $1,000 invested in the bats. Would like to get back some $. 13U season produced 10 home runs and 56 RBIs in 52 games. The bat has pop and they aren't making anymore of them. Firm on price. Email me john@thehubbardagency.com. Play out of East Cobb. Can meet up in East Cobb/Mariette/Vinings. Cash only.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JOHNHUBBARD92 Posted - 11/26/2019 : 12:55:39
Yes. Pictures here in Craigslist ad
cash4bats Posted - 11/14/2019 : 14:48:00
still have these?
JOHNHUBBARD92 Posted - 08/26/2019 : 11:50:40
I can't attached pictures so feel free to email me.

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