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 EAST SIDE 11U Travel Tryout - Saturday Nov 2 @11AM

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
CoachChes Posted - 10/31/2024 : 07:48:13
East Side Baseball in Marietta is looking to form a new 11U Hybrid team to play in a couple of travel tournaments during the Spring 2025 Season (when no rec games are scheduled) and several more over the following Summer.

For anyone who is interested in being considered for the team, we have scheduled an open tryout:

When: Saturday November 2
Where: Bronco Field - Fullers Park 3499 Robinson Rd NE, Marietta, GA 30068
Time: 11AM

Please have your interested players arrive on time ready to play with their baseball gear (bats, gloves, etc), wearing pants and cleats, and have them wear a jersey with their last name on it if possible.

Depending on how many players attend the tryout, it should take less than two hours but we suggest you stay close by so that your child can leave when they have finished their portion.

Feel free to forward this email to anyone who may be interested.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach Ches Eaton at chesleigheaton@gmail.com.

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