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 Super Nit Gate Fees Lowered

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gausssa Posted - 03/16/2010 : 15:33:19
Since the first Atlanta Super Nit in 2005 the gate fees have been as followed: 7 per day for 16 and up 5.00 for 6-15 and 5u free. We wanted this year to get away from charging kids all together. This was the reason for the change this year. However, with the economic times as they are and after further negotiations the Georgia State Office has lowered the gate fee from 10.00 per person to 8.00 w/ children 15 and under still free. Senior citizen discounts still apply. Hope everyone understands and let's get ready for some great baseball and hope for no rain on Sunday!!!!

Bubba Smith
Georgia USSSA Baseball
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
m72 Posted - 03/19/2011 : 22:53:48
Why is Friday only $5 and Saturday and Sunday $8. Is it because of fewer teams on Friday or that teams only play one game friday or what. Does anyone have an exact answer on this.
gausssa Posted - 03/19/2011 : 06:02:48
Everyone's daily "Super Nit" stamp will be honored for entrance at all parks. Please make sure you have been stamped where you originally paid.
biggin Posted - 03/17/2011 : 11:57:27
1 fee per day. Iam assuming that is the way done in past. Could get kinda pricy if you had to pplay at 2 different parks once bracket play begins sat night for most.
bmwac Posted - 03/17/2011 : 11:41:06
I have a question about the gate fees.....I understand that it's $5 on Friday & $8 on Saturday & Sunday, but what if we go to other parks that our team is not playing at to watch another team/age group. Would we have to pay another gate fee at another park......is it one fee per day period, or is it one fee per day per park?
itsaboutbb Posted - 03/15/2011 : 14:23:22
Originally posted by gausssa

Since the first Atlanta Super Nit in 2005 the gate fees have been as followed: 7 per day for 16 and up 5.00 for 6-15 and 5u free. We wanted this year to get away from charging kids all together. This was the reason for the change this year. However, with the economic times as they are and after further negotiations the Georgia State Office has lowered the gate fee from 10.00 per person to 8.00 w/ children 15 and under still free. Senior citizen discounts still apply. Hope everyone understands and let's get ready for some great baseball and hope for no rain on Sunday!!!!

Bubba Smith
Georgia USSSA Baseball

Senior Citizen discount? Nice so all we do is show our card from AARP right?
bturner Posted - 03/15/2011 : 00:53:16
You cant make them all happy Bubba. Since you came onboard wth Usssa we have seen the improvement. As a coach and a parent I appreciate all you have done for Travel Baseball in Ga.
gausssa Posted - 03/14/2011 : 22:06:11
USSSA ran the tournament and East Cobb handles the gate and awards.
gabulldogs Posted - 03/14/2011 : 19:07:01
We played at the Super NIT at East Cobb this weekend and my told me they charged my 8 year old son $3.00 to get in. Whats up with that. These kids dont care about being there and you get your money back at the concession stands just to make them happy for the day. I thought kids under 12 always got free.
touchemall Posted - 03/14/2011 : 15:14:52
Cheaper than a night with the kids at a movie. Looking forward to a great weekend of baseball. Wish it would hurry up and get here. Weather is warming up. Baseball fever is setting in.
gausssa Posted - 03/14/2011 : 13:59:44
The 2011 Super Nit gate fees will not change from last year. 8.00 per person and 15u FREE. Exception, Friday night will be 5.00 with 15u Free.
sirlurker Posted - 03/12/2011 : 21:43:42
Wondering what the gate fee will be this year - 2011?
oldschooldad Posted - 03/19/2010 : 17:13:39
Originally posted by gausssa

somebody just don't have a clue what this event really is and another one can't add. Good luck to all and hope to see you at the parks.....

What "is" this tournament? Over 300+ teams planning and the highest gate fees of the season? I am thankful for the lower fee but it is still too high. typical tournament has what 20 - 30 teams? A $ 5 fee is the norm. This event has 10 - 15 times more teams and so the number of people attend should 10 - 15 times the average size event. The gate fee is $3 bucks more. (60 % more than average) Economy of scale tells me the cost is not going to be 10/15 times as much as a normal tournament. I know every one is out to make a buck but just a many of us are trying to save one too. just my 2 cents
gausssa Posted - 03/19/2010 : 00:12:25
somebody just don't have a clue what this event really is and another one can't add. Good luck to all and hope to see you at the parks.....
PS Iron Pigs Posted - 03/17/2010 : 19:41:43
I believe it's still $5 for Friday.
bturner Posted - 03/17/2010 : 15:47:31
I dont think the Friday amount chaged did it?
Originally posted by kbuck

That is a $1 savings from the previous amount. Before it was $5 for Friday and $10 for Sat. and Sun. That totals $25 for the three days. Now it is $24 for the three days.

Alter-Ego Posted - 03/17/2010 : 14:36:43
I took that to mean they were going to keep Friday night at $5 per person but were reducing the Sat and Sunday entry fee from $10 to $8. That would be a $4 reduction.

I am glad they have the "15 and under free" instead of "10 and under free" like a lot of tournaments. If you are older than 15, you should pay because you are old enough to stay home by yourself and have other options. However at 11-13, that is not the case.
kbuck Posted - 03/17/2010 : 14:24:06
That is a $1 savings from the previous amount. Before it was $5 for Friday and $10 for Sat. and Sun. That totals $25 for the three days. Now it is $24 for the three days.
michaelp Posted - 03/17/2010 : 11:10:49
You can satisfy some of the people some of the time but you can not satisfy all the people all the time. Lowering the gate fee will more than pay for itself in the long run. Good job Bubba.
GA Grays Posted - 03/17/2010 : 10:16:53
Originally posted by beanball

Kids should always be free and the gate is still too expensive. This event is no better than any other in metro Atl. We're going because the team is not because its anything special. Next year we'll go to few if any USSSA events. They're not worth it.

It's your choice where you play, but come on, no better than "any" other event in Metro Atlanta.
Alter-Ego Posted - 03/17/2010 : 09:47:15
86% approval rating Bubba. (6 out of 7).

I hope it works out to be a great tournament. There are a lot of teams playing, which is a very good maker of a great tournament.

beanball Posted - 03/17/2010 : 08:41:59
Kids should always be free and the gate is still too expensive. This event is no better than any other in metro Atl. We're going because the team is not because its anything special. Next year we'll go to few if any USSSA events. They're not worth it.
BravesFan Posted - 03/17/2010 : 08:19:13
Great news Bubba! Now I'll have a few bucks left over to buy a hot dog! Thx
Spartan4 Posted - 03/16/2010 : 23:48:58
Thanks Bubba
PumknHead Posted - 03/16/2010 : 22:59:12
You the Man -- Bubba!!
coachtony Posted - 03/16/2010 : 22:10:52
Nicely done, Bubba. Classy move. Kudos to you and your team.


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