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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ecbstix Posted - 04/11/2011 : 08:04:20
This is the 4th year that we have played at East Cobb. Every year we here the same comments by visiting teams about "East Cobb's umpires", I'm sure the Roadrunners get it at RR field, Homeplate probably gets it at their field, etc...It happens everywhere and always has. Here is why I bring this up... this weekend we played in a small tournament in a town (which shall remain nameless) in Northwest Georgia just south of Chattanooga. In our second pool play game we played against the local 13u team (which also shall remain nameless). After several questionable calls (sqeezing the strikezone, checked swings and a play at the plate where the kid was up to his knees on the plate when tagged in the chest and called out) We were already doing the usual griping (hometeam, because we are from ECB, etc). After watching several more games it became obvious that it wasn't just us but all the visiting teams were getting the same treatment, then we figure out why... Umps son was playing SS for the local team! They tried to not make it obvious but once we figured it out you could tell. This was brought to the attention of the TD, he said if that was the fact that the guy wouldn't ump the Champ game. The guy called every game in that age group up to the champ game. Now THAT is home cookin!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
christheump Posted - 04/11/2011 : 14:49:00
He should have never been allowed to call any of the games in the same age group. I have a nephew that plays, and I will allways tell the booking guy to NOT put me in his age group if they are playing in that tourney. Sometimes perception is reality.
baseballpapa Posted - 04/11/2011 : 10:33:44
Whoa now. Slow down on that North Georgia stuff. That's where Papa's grandson's live although the older 14U plays out of 643 country but the 12U does live and breathe North Georgia Bandit blood. I can assure that whatever call you bring up that happened up here that Papa can complain 5 times more about your home cooking umpires that appear to be wanting to cook some Bandit stew down there and we come there a lot more than you come up here.
AllStar Posted - 04/11/2011 : 08:46:32
PCB. We went there twice and got jobbed both times when we played a local team. The first time was a blatant missed call that cost us getting into extra innings. The second time was just a steady stream of inconsistent strike zones, they got every close call, etc., etc., except when it came to crunch time. Bases loaded, our best hitter up, down 2 and he gets called out on one swinging strike and two obvious balls, the second called strike (strike 3) was at his ankles.

Highly recommend against going there unless you just want to go to the beach or can find a week that there are just Georgia and out of town Florida teams.

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