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 lifespan for a bat

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
oldschooldad Posted - 04/07/2011 : 00:09:14
What is the actual life span for a bat today? Do bats really lose their pop? After how long? Do different types of bats have different lifespans? Do composites have a longer or shorter lifespan? Are we are just feeding the machine by getting Jr. a new bat each season? Or can he hit just as well with an older bat?

What do you say?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bballman Posted - 04/07/2011 : 12:50:10
We have always liked the Louisville Slugger TPX series bats. They last FOREVER, have good pop and are not that expensive. My son is a Junior in HS and is using the TPX Omaha. He used it all last HS season, all summer and this HS season. Uses it for games, BP, loans it to friends and it is still running strong. No dents, cracks, problems of any kind. He has hit 3 HR's with it so far this year, so it still has plenty of pop. I, personally, can't say enough good things about Louisville Slugger TPX.
UGA12 Posted - 04/07/2011 : 11:01:02
Two years ago I bought my son the highest end Louisville Slugger Composite bat and after a season of travel ball, the bat got a spiral fracture mid way up the handle right before the barrell really starts to get big and it was 3/4 around the cirmunference. The next year, I bought him the highest end Worth Aluminum bat and he is on his 2nd year of travel ball with it and is leading his team offensively. I am not a fan of composite bats any longer and the current bat is on it's second seaon.
bmoser Posted - 04/07/2011 : 10:29:44
Depends upon the player's size and strength. My 11 year old 92 pounder still has the Combat 2 1/4 I bought for him when Combat's first came out back when he was 7. Its a 30-20, and he still pulls it out for fireballers and it works just fine...just looks beat up. His Worth "ping" bat dented, so lasted only 1 season. Now in 2nd year using big barrell Combat, no issues.

A Easton Engineer posted on this forum a couple of years ago and he said year to year the bats don't change that much, just new paint scheme's.

If your son is a big strong boy, I'm thinking each year he might need a new bat if he's playing 50+ games and using it in BP.

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