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T O P I C    R E V I E W
christheump Posted - 04/04/2011 : 12:05:00
How many other parents, coaches, umpires have had formal first aid training including CPR? And if so, has it ever come in handy at the ball field?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
coachtony Posted - 04/04/2011 : 13:12:46
One of my coaches is a full fledged Doctor with his own General Practice...I always feel better when he is there for two distinctly separate reasons. First, for the obvious example, just yesterday a pitcher got drilled in the head by a batted ball at the field next to ours and he was able to go over and lend assistance. Kid was OK, thank goodness. The second reason is when one of my boys gets "injured" and....well....you know the drill...it probably really scared them more than it hurt them.....if a Coach goes over to them they act TOTALLY different than if a Doctor talks to them. He can check them out and assure them that nothing is broken and they are fine and then, magically, they are up running with no pain and back in the game in no time.


bmoser Posted - 04/04/2011 : 12:42:54
My neighbor is a Youth Football Coach, and owns medical imaging centers so has had some medical training. He plays in a Men's hoops League and used CPR saving the life of another player (adult). Good guy to have around.

Originally posted by christheump

How many other parents, coaches, umpires have had formal first aid training including CPR? And if so, has it ever come in handy at the ball field?

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