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T O P I C R E V I E W |
batman501 |
Posted - 03/30/2011 : 10:47:14 Do teams conduct criminal background checks on coaches? If so, what kind (if any) of past "criminal activity" would allow a person to still coach? |
17 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
11UFAN |
Posted - 04/02/2011 : 23:08:19 I have some friends that used to play on a travel team out of a rec park but left because the coach was not allowed to have any kids on his team that didn't play rec ball too. On the surface, most people (rec parents), totally agree with this policy because it gives their kid a better chance of making it, and after all, it is a "rec park" team.
But to those in the travel ball community that policy is totally ridiculous. It is virtually impossible to get the best players. The really good ball players are usually not going to play on rec teams due to the level of play. This is no slam on rec ball. All of our kids started their and kids that either aren't ready for travel ball, do not want to make the "crazy" comittment travel ball requires, or can't afford it, are afforded the opportunity to play this great game. I am 100% behind these being controlled by the county rec department. They are paid for by our tax dollars and should take all comers.
There are exceptions and leagues like Lanier and others are more competitive and put out some really good A, AA, & AAA teams.
S4 is spot on. The travel teams always get screwed on field time and politics run rampant when it comes time for all star and travel team selections.
The bottom line is this:
If your son has the ability and wants to play at the highest level your age group has to offer (Major or high AAA) you have to leave the rec park "nest". This is going to require a much bigger financial and time comittment. This may not get you totally away from "daddyball" but if you play for a team that puts an emphasis on developing players who have a focus on competing and winning against the best, daddyball issues will be minimized. |
Spartan4 |
Posted - 04/02/2011 : 18:35:36 We had a similar deal when we had a travel team out of Gwinnett. Although during the rec season we hardly ever got a practice. The nights we were supposed to have, rec teams would find a way to slide in. More than once we would have the entire team on the field only to have the park director walk over and say there was a scheduling conflict. Guess who got to play? |
AllStar |
Posted - 04/02/2011 : 16:01:00 quote: Originally posted by Spartan4
IF the fields are there for everybody then why don't travel teams get field time?? They are more concerned with "Mr. Directors little GGBL team" it has always been that way. Some of the board members have sons whose playing level is EXTREMELY weak and becoming a director/coach is the only way to ensure their son gets a spot. Also, other counties have TONS of weekend travel baseball tourneys but our county has very nice parks, and almost no tournaments? Doesn't really make much sense that one county can do it with little issue and another county doesn't even make an effort. Personally I believe it is a shame the talented kids are forced to look elsewhere because they want to play on a team that offers good instruction, like talented kids, and to play somewhat competitive teams. There can't be many talented kids who enjoy sharing the field with boys that don't help the team, and some counties also have restrictions against boys playing up. So these kids are forced to play on teams where there is little competition, and as soon as these parents find out what travel ball is about they are gone. JMO but it is exactly why we and at least 4 others that live within 2 miles of us feel the need to drive 50+ miles each way 2-3 times a week. Once again, Gwinnett county obviously has the talent to be DOMINANT look at what they do every single year without fail in HS baseball.
OK, well I'm not in Gwinnett but at our park about 4 years ago they started including the travel teams in the rec practice schedule and put us on a distribution for when rec coaches canceled their practices so we would know when fields were open. We had opportunities to play at least 2 games on Saturdays and 1 on Sunday when we weren't in tournaments. Wednesday is travel night, so we got the field for either a game or practice at 6 or 8. Friday nights the fields are generally wide open as well. If you were attentive, proactive and creative, you could get plenty of field time even during rec season. Once school was out and rec was done, we could have played or practiced virtually every day.
Also, since we paid fees like the rec kids, we got 10 games worth of umpires.
And honestly, again, their job is accommodating the 1000+ rec families first, then the (approximately) 175 travel families. |
Spartan4 |
Posted - 04/02/2011 : 10:23:04 IF the fields are there for everybody then why don't travel teams get field time?? They are more concerned with "Mr. Directors little GGBL team" it has always been that way. Some of the board members have sons whose playing level is EXTREMELY weak and becoming a director/coach is the only way to ensure their son gets a spot. Also, other counties have TONS of weekend travel baseball tourneys but our county has very nice parks, and almost no tournaments? Doesn't really make much sense that one county can do it with little issue and another county doesn't even make an effort. Personally I believe it is a shame the talented kids are forced to look elsewhere because they want to play on a team that offers good instruction, like talented kids, and to play somewhat competitive teams. There can't be many talented kids who enjoy sharing the field with boys that don't help the team, and some counties also have restrictions against boys playing up. So these kids are forced to play on teams where there is little competition, and as soon as these parents find out what travel ball is about they are gone. JMO but it is exactly why we and at least 4 others that live within 2 miles of us feel the need to drive 50+ miles each way 2-3 times a week. Once again, Gwinnett county obviously has the talent to be DOMINANT look at what they do every single year without fail in HS baseball. |
Gwinnett |
Posted - 04/02/2011 : 09:56:41 Spartan4, thats sooo funny because we were told the same thing if we left the local park. Just another scare tactic and mind set of people who think if you don't do it there way, bad things will happen..lol If fact, we were told a lot worse than that.
Allstar, your right these parks will NEVER be perfect one way or another! Thats why its sooo important that if you don't like what your getting from your local park JUST GO SOMEPLACE ELSE! Rather than try to change it, we just found what we were looking for, some place else. And we are VERY happy we did leave. No need to cry or whine just do what you gotta do. |
AllStar |
Posted - 04/02/2011 : 09:03:33 quote: Originally posted by Gwinnett
Its to bad there's know oversight of one centrally located park to over see the rest of the parks and there baseball programs in a particular county???????
I think the last thing that everyone wants is another layer of bureaucracy overseeing a localized activity, especially when our current government has a lot more important things to worry about.
I'm not sure what park RACGOFAR is out of, but it sounds a lot like the way our park works. I can think of several board members that didn't get teams that they applied for and several others that don't coach at all. It's far from perfect, but it works pretty well. We've had strong All Star and Travel teams, weak All Star and Travel teams and a thriving rec program from ages 5-18 that is growing even if a dozen elite players leave every year.
Besides which, the county associations' primary charter isn't to serve the travel ball community. And it shouldn't be. Elite players may (or may not) be leaving, but the fields are there for everybody.
Spartan4 |
Posted - 04/02/2011 : 01:36:12 I do agree Season that Gwinnett county is RIDICULOUS when it comes to allowing the travel teams to practice. It was a bear when we played out of a Gwinnett County park. There is a ton of talent in Gwinnett!! The way RACGOFAR described his particular park's situation would be ideal for other parks, but they are not all run that way and I can understand why the generalization can be frustrating. Personally you have to respect the way he runs his team and I value his opinion and ask for it occasionally. Having said that IMO the GGBL or "feeder" system is a bit flawed, when we decided to run from Gwinnett county I actually had a coach(typical rec ball dad with NO baseball background) call me and explain that my nephew would have MUCH less of a shot at making his HS team because he wasn't on the feeder team. Bottom line is if these boys are good enough they will make it, at least I hope it still works that way!! |
Season |
Posted - 04/01/2011 : 20:53:49 The generalization is majority / reality with REC Associations that also control county owned fields / GGBL teams. the pot thickens when you have a Baseball only Board that does not report into an all sports youth association (larger governing body to oversee and keep some cronyism out). A small Baseball only Board is a magnet for cronyism and good ole boy network especially when there's a bylaw written that you cannot run for a board position unless you've served on the board or been a league director.....who appoints league directors.......the good ole boys on the board and thats how you get cronyism. Perhaps that's why some can leave a board position and return, not just anybody with good intentions can run, you have to serve as league director by the board appointment, that's not encouraging VOLUNTEERS, The real volunteer with good intentions never has a chance. Typical scenario daddy ball wants to ensure son is on GGBL team, work collectively to get league directors slots and with the above bylaw they have very few to compete with for a spot, this group gets on board and starts appointing each other GGBL coach positions. Since the Rec Assn controls county fields they refuse to let real travel teams use them forcing families to play on their own GGBL team. No GGBL coach wants to feel threatened and lose players to a travel team thus why travel can't grow and if you want to be part of a travel program and not GGBL you have to drive, quality players leave for this reason not because there's to much talent in the park. There's a stranglehold on fields keeping travel out, Parks / GGBL is not growing, every year more elite players leave these parks. What parent would consider filling out a constructive survey as outlined above, president reviews the commissioners and vice versa, let me guess both are travel good ole boy coaches working the system and call this system the feeder program for HS to unsuspecting families that don't know about elite level baseball. |
Gwinnett |
Posted - 04/01/2011 : 16:08:32 Racgofar, its to bad other parks don't run there parks similar to yours. I've seen a lot of really talented and not so talented players from the Gwinnett area that have sought different travel ball programs for the exact reason Season described. Maybe some of the other "feeder pograms" will wise up and learn from your model.
Question: Have any other baseball parks EVER called and asked how you run a successful baseball program? They probably would learn a lot... Its to bad there's know oversight of one centrally located park to over see the rest of the parks and there baseball programs in a particular county??????? |
Posted - 04/01/2011 : 15:46:44 quote: Originally posted by Season
Background checks are beneficial and needed, however "annual coach evaluations" are smoke and mirrors in cases where the travel coach is also a top level board director or in some cases the president of the association.......how effective can an evaluation be in this case and brings up the question / subject talked about on this board........daddy ball. After all the board member self appoints himself travel coach plays daddy ball runs his own agenda and a parent is suppose to think an evaluation will be handled fairly? You can't improve or grow a travel program in this format especiallly when they apply the term feeder program. This why travel ball won't grow in our area as long as rec associations have oversight and controlling rights over travel ball programs and field usage. The good news for travel skilled players families is real travel programs are evolving and becoming successful if your willing to drive.
Ouch!!! I am a travel coach and President of my team's Association so I have to respond to you Season! You make quite a few generalizations which I don't beleive hold true for many local parks. Thats a big can of worms you opened for sure.
I've served for 7 years on my park's Board. I even left for a year and came back so others would step up and run.
Two kinds of people want to be on these Boards: 1) Those who think it will help get them an all-star or travel team or help their kid get on one of those teams; or 2) Those who are dedicated to serving their community. I find that coaches generally fall into the same two categories: 1) Coaches who we all know as daddy ballers with self serving interests; or 2) Coaches dedicated to selflessly serving their team.
Its easy to spot the ones who are self serving when they run for these Boards-- They usually have one or more of these attributes-- 1) They openly criticize, when it serves their personal interest, the "good old boy network." But they have no problem tapping the network if it serves their personal interests.
2) They always have something negative to say about the current Board.
3) They've never stepped up to help the organization beyond just being a coach.
4) They or their kid has been slighted or wronged for having not been chosen for all-star/travel teams in the past. They naturally believe its not due to their coaching reputation or the lack of talent their kid has compared to the pool of players/coaches in the park.
5) They believe (incorrectly) that they will somehow have the power to magically transform their kid into all-star/travel material if only they could get on the Board and be part fo the decision making process.
Occasionally these types get elected and they don't last long because;
1) Being self serving by nature, they aren't willing to put in the long hours as a volunteer;
2) They realize that the power they thought they would get by being elected is really divested amongst the Board as whole, and no one Board member can do what they want without the full Board's support.
3) They have badly underestimated the amount of influence they can have for the position they ran for. If you're the Secretary, you are not going to be involved in the travel cocahc sel;ection process other than to approve a slate of candidates and write them down in the minutes.
What makes for a good coach makes for a good Board member, which is why you see so many travel coaches serving on Boards. But they also serve their community in other capacities, the PTA, their HOA's, their churches, etc.
Evaluations are not smoke and mirrors at our park. We go to great lengths to keep them confidential. I review all Board Member coach evals and my Commissioner reviews mine. No Board member sees theirs and I never see mine. We also must recuse ourselves from the process when we are candidates for things such as all-star and travel positions. Nobody can self appoint themself to a coach position and all coach selections must be approved by majority vote in our organization.
Season, you are right that you can't improve and grow a travel program in the format that you described. But not all of them operate that way and the one I am President of does not. We have a very successful and growing travel program with multiple teams in most age grouips. We lose kids every year to other parks/teams because we have more travel talent than teams for them to play on. We have several private travel teams made up of kids from our geographic area. despite all of this our travel teams seem to find a way to compete. |
Gwinnett |
Posted - 03/31/2011 : 23:25:39 You got that right!!!!
quote: Originally posted by Season
Background checks are beneficial and needed, however "annual coach evaluations" are smoke and mirrors in cases where the travel coach is also a top level board director or in some cases the president of the association.......how effective can an evaluation be in this case and brings up the question / subject talked about on this board........daddy ball. After all the board member self appoints himself travel coach plays daddy ball runs his own agenda and a parent is suppose to think an evaluation will be handled fairly? You can't improve or grow a travel program in this format especiallly when they apply the term feeder program. This why travel ball won't grow in our area as long as rec associations have oversight and controlling rights over travel ball programs and field usage. The good news for travel skilled players families is real travel programs are evolving and becoming successful if your willing to drive.
Spartan4 |
Posted - 03/31/2011 : 22:41:33 Season you must be from Gwinnett county?? |
Season |
Posted - 03/31/2011 : 20:45:01 Background checks are beneficial and needed, however "annual coach evaluations" are smoke and mirrors in cases where the travel coach is also a top level board director or in some cases the president of the association.......how effective can an evaluation be in this case and brings up the question / subject talked about on this board........daddy ball. After all the board member self appoints himself travel coach plays daddy ball runs his own agenda and a parent is suppose to think an evaluation will be handled fairly? You can't improve or grow a travel program in this format especiallly when they apply the term feeder program. This why travel ball won't grow in our area as long as rec associations have oversight and controlling rights over travel ball programs and field usage. The good news for travel skilled players families is real travel programs are evolving and becoming successful if your willing to drive. |
itsaboutbb |
Posted - 03/30/2011 : 22:52:38 quote: Originally posted by diamonddad
I have found that the park or organization you are playing out of usually mandates whether or not a background check is required. For example, if you are playing out of a county run park head coaches and assistant coaches will most likely be required to submit to a background check to protect the park. This goes for rec and travels teams.
Private organizations not affiliated with a city/county run park or independent organization are not bound by these rules and, therefore, usually don't require them. ECB and 6-4-3 may be exceptions to this rule, but I would hope not! Can anyone out there confirm?
ECB does do it, don't know about 643 |
Posted - 03/30/2011 : 14:04:26 Our Association checks for crimes of moral turpitude, family violance and assault/battery convictions. We rarely find these things on the background checks. Its more common that a coach is not selected due to past instances of egregious coaching conduct or a pattern of complaints from parents' responses to our annual coach evaluation process. We've only had a few permanet expulsions of coaches from our park over the last 10+ years or so and those involved a physical altercation and violations of our code of conduct policies. |
diamonddad |
Posted - 03/30/2011 : 13:35:51 I have found that the park or organization you are playing out of usually mandates whether or not a background check is required. For example, if you are playing out of a county run park head coaches and assistant coaches will most likely be required to submit to a background check to protect the park. This goes for rec and travels teams.
Private organizations not affiliated with a city/county run park or independent organization are not bound by these rules and, therefore, usually don't require them. ECB and 6-4-3 may be exceptions to this rule, but I would hope not! Can anyone out there confirm? |
AllStar |
Posted - 03/30/2011 : 12:41:23 quote: Originally posted by batman501
Do teams conduct criminal background checks on coaches? If so, what kind (if any) of past "criminal activity" would allow a person to still coach?
The park my son's teams played out of required them. I have no idea what it took to fail. |
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