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 Artificial turf fields

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bmoser Posted - 03/27/2011 : 11:55:23
I'm guessing the only tourney ball being played today is down at the "Chuck" on artificial turf. The ATL Metro needs a lot more artificial turf baseball fields.

Signature Park has plans for several synthetic turf fields, but that facility seems to be taking a very long time to come on-line. Is the turn lane in yet?

How is the Bobby Cox facility near Rome/Cartersville coming along? Any dirt movin there yet?

Have you heard of any other synthetic turf fields in the works?

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Injun Chief Posted - 03/31/2011 : 23:07:38
Turf fields are horrible playing surfaces for summer baseball !!
The heat is unbearable and the OF bounces are riduculous ...
they are great for indoor & cold weather climates ... but ...

Played at Troy 2 years ago ... the temp on the field was 127 !!
Storm Baseball Posted - 03/31/2011 : 17:00:58
The Chuck is great in Spring but it is 10-15 degrees hotter in the summertime with the crushed tires in between the blades.
Mad1 Posted - 03/31/2011 : 16:30:30
It would be nice to have turf. It hasn't even rained a drop today and they still canceled our games tonight, because of field conditions (southside).
moss21 Posted - 03/31/2011 : 14:37:59
you are right gausssa, I would have never thought that there would be a baseball game played at 9:00am Sunday, but we stepped on the turf and played with no problems. All I could say was WOW. The Chuck is awsome.
gausssa Posted - 03/29/2011 : 02:37:26
I agree Spartan4 but it sure was nice waking up Sunday morning and knowing it was raining buckets outside and just knowing when it stops we will play ball at the "chuck" and play we did.
Spartan4 Posted - 03/28/2011 : 22:41:53
Originally posted by lottapop

No replacement for grass and dirt. Nothing like going to a freshly mowed baseball field in the Spring!

lottapop Posted - 03/28/2011 : 21:46:36
No replacement for grass and dirt. Nothing like going to a freshly mowed baseball field in the Spring!
bmoser Posted - 03/28/2011 : 11:10:57
You'd think they would want to have a showcase for their product right there in Dalton.

I'll have to check out the Wills Park field when I'm there.

Originally posted by AABB16

You would have thought the dalton tournament would be on turf fields. Heck, the Astro Turf plant is just around the corner.... sounds like a perfect sponsor to me.

AABB16 Posted - 03/28/2011 : 09:15:33
You would have thought the dalton tournament would be on turf fields. Heck, the Astro Turf plant is just around the corner.... sounds like a perfect sponsor to me.
Mike Corbin Posted - 03/27/2011 : 17:03:46
Roadrunner Field played all but one on Saturday.

And Wills Park just opened up their turf field this weekend.
3sondad Posted - 03/27/2011 : 15:29:26
ATPP is playing today
mjones9226 Posted - 03/27/2011 : 14:25:08
Havn't heard of any new ones, but the fields we have played on were great. The boys really enjoyed going to Ripken last summer, and you were back playing 15 minutes after a rain. What is the life expectancy of a quality turf field?

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