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 Discipline for off field misconduct

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
25ismyson Posted - 03/25/2011 : 16:11:51
As a coach, how would you handle off field misconduct, not related to your team, other than one or more of your players are involved. For example, HS kids pulling typical HS pranks, however, someones personal property is damaged.

As a reflection of the team, I feel like some discipline is needed, ie, suspended for so many games.

In college, you get the "violation of team rules" statement.

Im sure another coach has faced the same issue. Any advice is apprecited.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AllStar Posted - 03/30/2011 : 14:47:13
C'mon guys, this is SEC country. Charged with a crime? Let the legal system do its job. As long as the player is out of jail, he plays.

If he's convicted of a misdemeanor, suspended for 1-5 games. If he's convicted of a felony, suspended for the <s>first quarter of the Murray State</s> first pool game of the Super NIT.

a1prog Posted - 03/29/2011 : 20:30:00
i coached up until age 14. i always felt like the kids behavior was a reflection of our team, our parents and our community. i had a rule- if you got iss then you would spend the first part of practice running and running and running. and at the end of practice the team would do extra running- for you. if you got oss it was an immediate one game suspension. a second oss and it was three games. a third and you were gone. these rules were explained verbally and put in writing. everyone knew it and that included the parents.

we never had an oss. but we had some iss incidents (my kid included). the kids ran- the parents (with the proverbial one exception) appreciated the discipline.

in high school i have seen the good and bad. i know of a school where multiple kids got in trouble. but only the marginal players got kicked from the team. not the really good ones. and then i have also seen a coach bench a senior on senior day for violating team rules.

like most things in life it is about setting expectations and then living up to the standard of conduct.
22202 Posted - 03/29/2011 : 16:05:37
Agree with LLH, except even under 13 can be handled with by the coach with the parents as a TEAM effort.
LLH Posted - 03/29/2011 : 11:46:03
Two ways to look at it. 13u and under should be up to the parents but 14u and up is going to be handled by both. Where my son plays the 16 and 18u players have to sign a code of conduct contract. AS you get older the rules change. Athletes need to be role models and good citizens according to our HS AD you will be punished for any off field actions that bring a negative light to the program.
TAZ980002 Posted - 03/29/2011 : 10:04:56
I agree with oldschooldad, this needs to be handled by the parents. As a parent, I would suspend my son from all activities for what they did.
crackedbats Posted - 03/29/2011 : 06:28:04
One of the players at my sons school was caught underage drinking. Suspension 3 weeks.
gasbag Posted - 03/27/2011 : 11:41:59
Originally posted by oldmanmj

We can go round and round with this one. Sadly Oldman, some parents aren't responsible individuals either. If this person is costing someone $$$ for his intentional actions, should it be reported to his coach and then the coach take action, upto the offended party. When does a third party take action, if they know for a fact that those individuals are breaking the law. Too many kids are being feed alcohol by adults that think it is okay in the safety of their own home. When is anyone ever going to be resposible? Tattle tale is one thing, breaking the law or injuring is another. I think most coaches know what to do from there.

Recently a kid mooned a teacher away from school on the street long after school was out on his personal time. He was removed from his team and suspended from school.

Just wondering if the teacher had to ID the kid that mooned them in some sort of lineup or what ?
oldmanmj Posted - 03/26/2011 : 14:08:37
We can go round and round with this one. Sadly Oldman, some parents aren't responsible individuals either. If this person is costing someone $$$ for his intentional actions, should it be reported to his coach and then the coach take action, upto the offended party. When does a third party take action, if they know for a fact that those individuals are breaking the law. Too many kids are being feed alcohol by adults that think it is okay in the safety of their own home. When is anyone ever going to be resposible? Tattle tale is one thing, breaking the law or injuring is another. I think most coaches know what to do from there.

Recently a kid mooned a teacher away from school on the street long after school was out on his personal time. He was removed from his team and suspended from school.
G-Man Posted - 03/25/2011 : 23:10:51
Depends on what the misconduct was. If nothing too serious I would suspend for 3 games and require each player involved to run 150 poles that they must complete within 3 practices. For each extra day beyond the 3 days you give them they dont complete the poles, its an extra game suspension. If you are too light on them it wont make an impression.

Also and this is important let each player involved know that any other misconduct off the field will result in a 10 game suspension. You have to let them know how important it is to represent the team on and off the field.

Originally posted by 25ismyson

As a coach, how would you handle off field misconduct, not related to your team, other than one or more of your players are involved. For example, HS kids pulling typical HS pranks, however, someones personal property is damaged.

As a reflection of the team, I feel like some discipline is needed, ie, suspended for so many games.

In college, you get the "violation of team rules" statement.

Im sure another coach has faced the same issue. Any advice is apprecited.

oldschooldad Posted - 03/25/2011 : 22:34:48
not a coaches role. Parents or guardians responsiblity.

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