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T O P I C    R E V I E W
christheump Posted - 03/24/2011 : 09:36:38
Do yall take issues with an umpire posting on this message board?
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
christheump Posted - 04/01/2011 : 15:44:41
Thanks for the kind words. I try to give the kids and coaches my 100% effort.
barsred98 Posted - 04/01/2011 : 12:58:10
Shout out to christheump! We had the pleasure of having him as our umpire this past weekend in Monroe and let me say.... He is the real deal! If all umps would hustle into place, keep control of the field in a respectful manner, know the game, and interact with the players like he does then the baseball world would be blessed. Thanks Chris for showing us your obvious love of the game!
lownotside Posted - 03/26/2011 : 14:37:47
There are always four sides to every play. . Players, Coaches, Fans. . and of course, The Umpires. .
22202 Posted - 03/24/2011 : 15:52:02
WHATS GOING ON HERE? Everyone is agreeing with each other!!
KoopsDad Posted - 03/24/2011 : 15:09:32
Same here.....Ump perspective on issues might be good regardless of the side of the issue that is taken
biggin Posted - 03/24/2011 : 14:31:25
Enjoy hearing from your view. As a coach of 11u team and also 17yrold who just got into umping last fall. I no there are a lot of great guys doin it not all though. I have personly witnessed td tell umps to call more strikes to speed game up. I have seen umps call ballgame when still time to play. On a side note ump this weekend rung my son ump on outside pitch when we took the field he apologised to my son who is also our catcher and said he owed him 1. Didn't make me feel any better but did my son. The umps my sion can't stand are the ones the ones that try tell him how to catch behind the plate he loves the ones that have fun with them back there. I will finish by sayin what I was told by a head ump when in doubt its a out.
AllStar Posted - 03/24/2011 : 13:43:22
Of course not. Great insight from a different aspect of the game.

When we were at Cooperstown during the closing and pre-game ceremonies before the Final game ALL the umpires from the week come onto the field before the final two teams. The umps got a REALLY loud and extended ovation. It was kind of nice. Everybody understands that without the umpires there is no game.

Of course you realize, the next time my son's team loses it will be because of the umps, not because he struck out and his buddy made two key errors...

SSBuckeye Posted - 03/24/2011 : 13:20:01
Alter-Ego Posted - 03/24/2011 : 12:55:47
Actually I would like to see a "Ask the ump" section put in where we could post questions and get some good replies from the umps. I know we tend to put them here in the general section, but it would be good to have a dedicated section.
Stinger44 Posted - 03/24/2011 : 12:54:15
Originally posted by christheump

Do yall take issues with an umpire posting on this message board?

I think it's great. In fact, why not include photos off all umpires who post. This would greatly help with voodoo doll ordering and cut down on returns.
Gwinnett Posted - 03/24/2011 : 12:45:23
ump, listening to you is just another great perspective. Thanks.
nwgadad Posted - 03/24/2011 : 12:35:07
As with baseball, 50% will like you being on here, 50% won't. =)
mjones9226 Posted - 03/24/2011 : 12:27:43
Not at all. I think it is constructive for both sides.
whit417 Posted - 03/24/2011 : 11:35:56
I think it's fine. I would just stick to the "General" forum and avoid any discussions about specific teams, programs or tournaments.
coachtony Posted - 03/24/2011 : 11:35:22
I LOVE the fact that you post here. In fact, I have shared some of your thoughts with my parents and other coaches.


bballman Posted - 03/24/2011 : 11:13:13
Not at all - at least on my part. I think you guys should do it more. There are many things out there that are misconceptions about the rules of baseball. You guys can clear them up. It is also nice to hear about the game of baseball from another perspective.

I welcome you and any other umps that want to come on the board.
Spartan4 Posted - 03/24/2011 : 11:13:12
Absolutely not!! At least we know you care about what you do....I think most of us have a negative view of umpires, I know I have for 15 or more years!! But when you get on here and talk with us, mention things like HUSTLE, and GETTING IN TO POSITION!!! It makes me have a lot of respect for the umpires I see do things right. I don't know about everyone else but I can tell you from what I have read on here I would 100% LOVE for you to come call a game for us!!
bball-fan Posted - 03/24/2011 : 11:08:37
Not at all. I think it's good for parents and coaches to understand what umpires go through and their thoughts.
TAZ980002 Posted - 03/24/2011 : 10:35:25
I don't. It's an open forum.

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