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 Missing Glove

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Hitman Posted - 03/16/2011 : 12:48:35
While participating in the AAA class, EC Super NIT Warm Up this past weekend my 14 year old learned a valuable lesson that I had been trying to teach over the years. Between games he decided to go to the cages with a friend from another major team and left his new Rawlings, Gold Glove, GG series, maroon/black with white stitching, infielders glove unattended. Upon his return the glove was gone. That kind of put a damper on an otherwise successful weekend of baseball. That's life, you live and learn. If anyone happens to see it please contact me @ 404-542-2424. There is a finders fee.
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Catch3dad Posted - 03/24/2011 : 10:49:08
Originally posted by beanball

Hitman, Unfortunately this happens more than you think @ ECB. Everyone please keep a close eye on your gear. I have heard stories from past years and we have been a victim this year as well.

This can and does happen at Ball parks everywhere. Not just at the East Cobb complex.

Anyone know of a glove GPS?
Hitman Posted - 03/20/2011 : 14:07:39
When I say "community" I mean baseball community no matter who or where we play.
loveforthegame25 Posted - 03/20/2011 : 10:50:34
Last year the 14U EC Astros had SEVERAL items stolen, gloves, bats, batting gloves, jackets and spikes. But its not an EC thing. We were in FT Myers last year and a kid from the Peurto Rican National team walked right up to my sons bag and pulled his bat out and started to walk off with it, until one of our dads snatched it off him. It happens at every field!
22202 Posted - 03/18/2011 : 08:53:24
I can't stand a thief! We don't leave our equipment out anywhere anymore. Our team hangs our bags on the outside of the dugout during the games and things have come up missing while the game is going on. Last time was a pair of sunglasses and a water bottle! Makes me sick! I hope you get your glove back Hitman!
Hitman Posted - 03/17/2011 : 18:02:35
Yes, I'm Sure it does. I'm just trying to appeal to sense of decency I still believe exist in our community. Thanks.
beanball Posted - 03/16/2011 : 15:10:16
Hitman, Unfortunately this happens more than you think @ ECB. Everyone please keep a close eye on your gear. I have heard stories from past years and we have been a victim this year as well.

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