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 Hitting instruction?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
22202 Posted - 03/15/2011 : 10:25:45
Does anyone have any suggestions on good hitting instructors in the North Gwinnett area? My son hits decent but could use some help. Everyone we have been to in the past seems to try and rebuild instead of "tweak". He's not a big power hitter but has a really good sense of the strike zone,(doesn't swing at bad pitches), good hand eye coordination, and is generally a single base hitter. Thanks in advance for the replies. I just don't want to jump from place to place, and the place we use now just doesn't seem all that interested in younger players.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
beanball Posted - 03/18/2011 : 13:33:04
My opinion is that you cannot work on hitting in one session. You will see the best progress after a few sessions 3-5 minimum. So you may as well but a package. The only questions is if the player and instructor don't connect. Then its time to move on. Bobby is very cerebral but connects with kids at their level. He'll use analogies that may not seem related to hitting but the kids can make the connection.
Gwinnett Posted - 03/18/2011 : 13:31:01
22202, that's a very valid concern. I can tell you from what we've learned over the years is, you have to continue to get instruction over a longer period for it to work well. At 9 there's plenty to learn. Remember it's all about muscle memory, the more REPS done correctly the better they get. What I always did was go for 1 hour and video it that way you can refer back to it. They will give you the tools or drills that will be most effective. It's your job as dad to work with your son every other day on those drills if you truly want him to master them. JMO, I always buy bigger packages because I know it's cheaper and you will always use them. Don't get the mind set that getting a lesson or two will make your son a whole lot better. It's the hard work in between the lessons that will make him better.

One other thing, when you get a lesson and they give you drills to do at home, don't waste your money on another lesson till you have a good handle on whatever they have taught you. Unless, your loaded and can afford to let the training facility help your son with all the REPS every other day. What worked well for us was once a week. Now if I didn't work with my son in between lessons I found that I was wasting money because he hadn't learned what they taught the last time. Good luck and you will see a big difference over time with hard work.

Sorry, one last thing (lol), the way they "get you" is if you don't work with your son each week, they can reteach them the same thing each week that they didn't learn the previous week. Big waste of money! You GOTTA make the commitment to work a lot with your kid to get the most out of it! If you do, you will see his baseball skills improve quickly. Hope that helps.
22202 Posted - 03/18/2011 : 08:44:42
Gwinnett- Thanks, I found Renz looking around and plan on doing a lesson over there next week hopefully. My son plays 9U. beanball and rippit, I drive right by that place 3 times a week. My plan is to try a few places before we land permanently somewhere. What are your guys opinions of pay as you go vs. buying the package deals? My experience unfortunately is once you pay the big package fee the level of interest goes down because they know they've "got ya". Not saying that about your guys, just what I've seen.
Gwinnett Posted - 03/16/2011 : 13:01:08
22202, we have been going to RENZ @ 85 & L'ville Suwanee--770-271-4554. Been going there for 5 years and I can tell you, we're very satisfied! Kevin and Travis work well with any age. Good luck.
rippit Posted - 03/16/2011 : 10:49:34
First Strike Baseball (the old 10th Inning) has instructors that work with younger players as well as one or two who work with ages 12 and up. We tried a few out from time to time and LOVE LOVE LOVE this place. How old is your son?
beanball Posted - 03/16/2011 : 09:34:23
Have you tried Bobby Holley. I think he's working out of the 10th inning on Satellite Blvd. Suwanee. I think he's great and has helped my sons a lot.
Gwinnett Posted - 03/16/2011 : 09:02:07
22202, how old is your son?

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