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 can usssa please explain!

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biggin Posted - 03/10/2011 : 21:33:29
I have seen a lot of people ? How pools are set. Can bubba or matt t please explain how it works. Thanks
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
onefast6 Posted - 03/16/2011 : 10:53:30
Probably beat to death but somewhere, somehow somebody is not going to be happy. For the most part I think the TD at tournaments we have been to have tried to make the competition good for all but matching up similar groups. I agree with biggin all 11, 12, 13 year olds were created (we all know what that means!) and we dont want to kill the spirit of the kids baseball by matching them up unequally. There is plenty of time to let the chips fall when they reach JV, High School
gausssa Posted - 03/14/2011 : 00:20:11
What's up guys? Going to be one heck of a week getting ready for the Super Nit and want have to many chances to check the site. However, did want to answer a couple of questions.
Matt worked 18-20 hr days from Wednesday-Saturday doing the schedules and he will and has used the USSSA points system to seed teams for pool play. Also, 15u will again and always will be FREE for this event if I have a say so..Good luck to all teams and thanks for making this tournament the largest weekend tournament in the county.
I will be at every location at some point over the weekend. Please, i would love to meet the faces behind the names. Come introduce yourself to me. SEE YOU AT THE PARK.
bmoser Posted - 03/12/2011 : 18:54:42
Thanks guys, seeding equal point teams by earlier registration date works for me.
AllStar Posted - 03/12/2011 : 16:11:40
Originally posted by biggin

Allstar,you are missing the point. With the format that is used pool play determines how you are seeded for bracket play. Also with that mindset why have a looks whose comin to tournements heck why have a,aa,aaa,and major divisions let's just all show up wenever and wherever and play whoever. Matter of fact since you brought up highschool let's do same thing then so we can have all single a schools play 5a schools. Since usssa has guidelines as to dterming pools there is nothin wrong with ? Why they are not followed.

Not the first time I've been accused of missing the point. I'm not sure what age level you're talking about, but the arbitrary way they did it is probably as accurate as the points system. As far as levels go, I assume you didn't enter a tournament you don't belong in. Should be willing to play anyone.

My real point is its not that big of a deal period. In a couple of weeks nobody will care. We sweat a lot of small stuff in travel ball. Me included.
12uCoach Posted - 03/12/2011 : 10:32:19
Originally posted by bmoser

How do they determine who gets what seed if all the teams have zero points because they have not played a single event?

The first year I actually READ something Matt put out about that, the answer was "order joined USSSA" lowest ID numbber wins. Look at current list of teams, they are seeded that way....
coachtony Posted - 03/12/2011 : 09:48:18
bmoser, from what I understand teams that have the same number of points are ranked by the date they registered their team in the USSSA system.


Storm Baseball Posted - 03/12/2011 : 09:35:00
If zero points, then it is decided by registration date into USSSA organization.
biggin Posted - 03/12/2011 : 09:22:18
Allstar,you are missing the point. With the format that is used pool play determines how you are seeded for bracket play. Also with that mindset why have a looks whose comin to tournements heck why have a,aa,aaa,and major divisions let's just all show up wenever and wherever and play whoever. Matter of fact since you brought up highschool let's do same thing then so we can have all single a schools play 5a schools. Since usssa has guidelines as to dterming pools there is nothin wrong with ? Why they are not followed.
bmoser Posted - 03/12/2011 : 08:23:12
How do they determine who gets what seed if all the teams have zero points because they have not played a single event?
baseballpapa Posted - 03/12/2011 : 06:59:40
Papa likes AllStar's way of playing. They go to a lot of trouble marking the lines and all any team has to do is to step on the other side of the line and play their butts off. The outcome of the game will always have a lot more to do with how hard you play than it will with who you are playing. At the end of the day you most likely will have seen them all anyway so when you play them is of little consequence.
AllStar Posted - 03/12/2011 : 00:07:26
Play whoever is in front of you. It's X year old baseball. A year from now you won't even care. Line up when you're scheduled to play and try to beat whoever lines up against you. Whatever the outcome, get ready for the next opponent.

When you get to High School, you'll realize that was the real goal for 90% of the players and that's what it was really all about.

Just play.
biggin Posted - 03/11/2011 : 21:40:23
Westcoastguru,tony, I think we all no how it supposed to be done. I guess my ? Is do td have the option to do it however they see fit to accomadate certain teams.
coachtony Posted - 03/11/2011 : 16:18:52
The "normal" way to seed a pool from points is done in a serpentine like this, for example....

Pool A: 1, 8, 9, 16, 17, 24
Pool B: 2, 7, 10, 15, 18, 23
Pool C: 3, 6, 11, 14, 19, 22
Pool D: 4, 5, 12, 13, 20, 21

While I rarely see USSSA Tournaments seeded like this I have always assumed that it was due to working out scheduling and things like that. HOWEVER, last year at the SNIT our pools were done EXACTLY like I show above by Matt. Again, I am not saying that there is a "right way" or "wrong way" to do it. Tournament Directors at this level have so many other issues to worry about...this team needs to play late in the day, that team cant travel and play on Friday, etc, etc, etc,....but the way that I listed above is considered by most to be the "normal" way of seeding pool play.

Just my $.02


WestCoastGuru Posted - 03/11/2011 : 14:40:01
As a coach, a prominent TD informed me last year that points will seed all teams in pool play regardless of the type tourney that is santioned by USSSA.

We shall se if that holds true by Wednesday
Memphis Posted - 03/11/2011 : 10:40:43
"for the love of the $$$".... Per the USSSA SuperNIT website-"A general gate admission will be charged and will apply to everyone except uniformed players and a maximum of 4 coaches per team with proper photo identification."

My guess......"everyone" even means kids but I agree that clarification would be nice.
bturner Posted - 03/11/2011 : 01:31:51
Matt and Bubba while we got you. Are kids going to have to pay a gate fee for the Super Nit?

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