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davidh6265 Posted - 03/10/2011 : 12:02:59
How old is too old to purchase a team banner? My son's team is a AAA 13U travel. There is talk among a few parents of getting a team banner. I have 2 concerns about this but have not mentioned them yet to the other parents. Before I do, I wanted to do a little homework(find out how do other travel ball teams' parents/coaches feel about it).
#1 Is 13 too old for banners? My first thought is yes, but hey I'm not a player so who am I to say?
#2 We recently picked up 2 more players that haven't even played a real game with us yet....At this age and level of play, should I expect our roster to change multiple times between now and the end of the summer? Our new banner may only be good for our next tournament. What then
Feedback much appreciated.
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HITANDRUN Posted - 03/11/2011 : 09:02:24
I am surprised no one does a media guide in lieu of a banner. As a company owner I would rather see my advertisements on hard paper than on a dugout. Especially Parks like ECB and 6-4-3 or parks with plenty of travel teams. Would be an easy sell for fund raising I think. You could actually put the guide in businesses that donated money to your team.
davidh6265 Posted - 03/10/2011 : 21:54:42
LOL thanks for the replies yeah I feel like you guys. Thankfully, the banner was voted down at practice tonight. The moms that were there all voted for the banner, the dads prevailed 6-5. whew
touchemall Posted - 03/10/2011 : 20:34:33
I was not belittling David's question and apologize if I came off that way David. It is a fair question and I was just going down memory lane with some fun on all the things we used to do and had to do to keep the kid's engaged. My garage is filled with banners from summers past.
diamonddad Posted - 03/10/2011 : 17:07:50
I almost wet myself...that was hilarious!

Banners seem to disappear somewhere around the 12U age group unless your team has a big corporate sponsor who wants to pay for them
coachtony Posted - 03/10/2011 : 16:56:35
We are selling sponsorships including a logo on our banner so as long as we got companies willing to pay $500 to have their name on a banner then we will keep having a banner at the games and while all you parents are laughing at us just keep writing those checks hehehe ;)


excoach12 Posted - 03/10/2011 : 16:20:23
Holy cow touchemall, thats a riot and you got them all.
Poor David just asked a simple question that lots of us probably had but I think he got the answer.......
touchemall Posted - 03/10/2011 : 15:07:10
I say you go all out until they are 18...

1. Banner (exactly what do you do with them after the season is over?)
2. Individual player pictures hung on the fence above the bench so they know where to sit in the dugout.
3. (My fav.) Buckets under the bench with each kids name and number bedazzled into it so they know where to put their glove and hat...
4. Then teach them some good dugout cheers so the coaches have the biggest headaches after the game.
5. Snack duty. OK, this one does not need to stop because I miss the Rice Krispy treats and Capri-Sun's after the game.
6. After they slap hands with the other team at the end of the game - have them run all over the field like crazed maniacs ending with all of them sliding into home and some kid always getting hurt and the mom or dad having to carry them off the field. Ah memories...
Catch3dad Posted - 03/10/2011 : 13:19:44
IMO, Team Banners are for Rec league and all-star teams. They end the same time Team Moms stop giving snacks to the team after each game.
mrbama31 Posted - 03/10/2011 : 13:01:10
13 is too old for banners with players names and numbers. A banner for the back of the dugout with team logo is ok.

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