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T O P I C    R E V I E W
4bagger Posted - 03/09/2011 : 16:47:38
Why is it so difficult for TDs to post tournament schedules when they say they will??
If the tournament website says schedules will be posted by Noon then by gum post it by Noon! Not 5 hours late! If you have problems making that deadline, then say they will be posted by 10:00pm and then post them at 5pm and you're 5 hours early and everyones impressed!
Why do I have the feeling that the original deadline is missed because the TDs are waiting to hear from a team or two as to whether they are happy with a proposed game time?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AllStar Posted - 03/10/2011 : 09:26:24
Originally posted by 4bagger

Why is it so difficult for TDs to post tournament schedules when they say they will??
If the tournament website says schedules will be posted by Noon then by gum post it by Noon! Not 5 hours late! If you have problems making that deadline, then say they will be posted by 10:00pm and then post them at 5pm and you're 5 hours early and everyones impressed!
Why do I have the feeling that the original deadline is missed because the TDs are waiting to hear from a team or two as to whether they are happy with a proposed game time?

Because everyone complains about their times no matter what. 6 PM? Tough to get there from work. 8 PM? Goes past everybody's bedtime.

10 AM Sat AM? Too cold. 2 PM Sat? Too hot.

Once the times get settled, then everyone complains about their matchups. How come Mudflap County doesn't have to play the Astros and we do?

And that's before weather intervenes or an umpire calls little Johnny out on a change up on the paint. If the TD's ARE getting rich (they're not), it's not worth it.
3sondad Posted - 03/10/2011 : 08:39:04
Or it could have to do with waiting to hear from the county, city, field manager, etc. to see if the fields will be playable by Friday night. I know most of the fields around here will play VERY messy for a Friday night game.

After sending out the original game schedule which included Friday night games, the tournament my youngest team is playing rescheduled all pool games to be played on Saturday.
christheump Posted - 03/10/2011 : 08:24:44
Sometimes they will have a late entry into the tourny. The TD I call for is usually pretty timely in putting up the schedule...the one for this weekend has been posted already.

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