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 Thoughts from an Umpire

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
christheump Posted - 03/07/2011 : 17:17:52
Just some food for thought from one umpire:

I love umpiring!
I try my hardest to make the right call.
I try even harder to be in the right position to make a call.
I hustle.
I communicate with my partner.
I do make mistakes.
Bad calls bother me.
It gets REALLY hot out there sometimes.
I appreciate the water you give me, but it wont buy you a call.
Please dont judge us for taking time and talking to a kid about a play.
Shouldn't we all be "teachers" of the game?
I love this time of the year.
I re-read the rule book if I think I got a rule wrong.
I dont do it for the money.
I wished all assciations would play by the same rules.
Things look different on the field than behind the fence.
Not every kid is going to be the next Jason Heyward.
I believe in walking on the field with clean shoes.
The kids deserve the best out of me every game.
Not every close pitch is a strike.
I have reversed calls when my partner asked for help after a conference with him.
I have had calls reversed when I asked my partner for help.
I really like it when teams hustle on and off the field.
I dont hold grudges from one game to the next.
Once the game/play is over, its over: new game/play, new slate.
Umpiring is not for everyone.
Some people might not like it, but I always go the mound after game and tell the boys: "Good Game".
I love umpiring.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bstand Posted - 03/09/2011 : 10:59:43
Yeah Chris, thanks for the thoughts. I shared these with the parents and players on our team last night at practice, and it was a great teaching tool. I appreciate you sharing this with us. I added that if your child is on the mound, you will hate the strike zone, and when your child is at the plate, you will hate the strike zone the other way. Thanks again. Umpiring is a pretty thankless job, which without them, we wouldn't be able to play the game.
11UFAN Posted - 03/08/2011 : 23:56:07

I hope you ump all my son's games. I have a saying "You will always be good at what you do if you love doing it". I agree wholeheartedly with coachtony, most ump's do try to do the right thing. But they are human, just like the rest of us. One thing I can tell you with 100% certainty, you guys get it right the vast majority of the time but as coachtony stated above "50% of the crowd will not agree". :)

Keep up the great work, it is noticed and appreciated!
coachtony Posted - 03/08/2011 : 12:38:28
As a current coach and former umpire, let me offer one more to add to your list....

I understand and accept that no matter what call I make 50% of the crowd will not agree

Keep up the good work, Chris! I believe in my heart of hearts that you are NOT in the minority....most umpires feel the same way as you and really do try hard to do the right thing. I have been accused of being too nice to the officials and not challenging more but I believe that this helps an umpire take me seriously when the rare occasional arises that I do ask for clarification. Maybe I am wrong, but in the famous words of Popeye...."I yam what I yam" ;)


baseballpapa Posted - 03/08/2011 : 11:35:11
You all keep this up and Papa might even start liking umpires. Man, I just got a chill thinking about liking an umpire. But you keep feeling the way that you do Chris and ole Papa will promise to be more understanding of your trade. Good luck son and you will go far with your attitude and your love for the game.
Alter-Ego Posted - 03/08/2011 : 09:14:10
Nice write-up Chris. It is good for everyone to be reminded of these feelings by umpires. Not everyone likes every umpires style and approach, and most everyone has disagreed with an umpire's call. What is important is that we respect the job you guys do. While you do get paid for being out there, the offset expenses for being there are not going to allow anyone to get rich doing it. You have to love being out there, and we should enjoy seeing you guys work hard to make the game as even as possible. Not every game is going smooth, and like with Coaches and players, there are going to be mistakes. Remembering that will help everyone enjoy the game more.
6bomber Posted - 03/08/2011 : 08:08:46
chris thanks for being honest. most people think the umps are out to get them and ruin their chances at winning. glad to hear that you admit you do miss calls. i have watched hundreds of games the last six years in travel ball. i have the utmost respect for what you guys are doing. i also give them a pat on the back and "good game" no matter the outcome. has made some people upset, but you guys WORK so our boys get a fair game between the lines.
sportsreporter Posted - 03/08/2011 : 07:47:00
as someone who has umpired and coached, you are right on. even though as a coach i havent always seen eye to eye with every ump. i think most of us can get over a missed call if the ump does hustle and shows that love for the game. thanks for your effort and have a great season.
Hiredgun Posted - 03/08/2011 : 07:10:05
I like what you had to say. I wish more umps would have the same attitude about the game as you do.

I must share the following comment: An umpire was calling his last game after a 20+ year career. My team had the privilege of playing in that game. During a break I asked him how many people he had thrown out of games in his umpiring career. His reply was this.....I haven't thrown out the first player or coach. They threw themselves out. Now, that is calling it like you see it.
Spartan4 Posted - 03/07/2011 : 23:56:04
I wish all the associations would play by the same rules too!!!

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