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 Slugfest Donation Challenge

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
silvercityjon Posted - 03/06/2011 : 18:46:30
I know some have posted their opinions about the Slugfest refund system. Some have been positive, some negative. When you are filling out your refund request stand up for a good cause and donate a portion back to the charity. This money goes to a great cause and if you seen any of these kids throw out the first pitch and see the excitement in their eyes it would not be a question as to what you would do. If each team simply donated $50.00 back to the cause that would be a check back to these kids that right now they are not expecting.

The Sawnee Mountain Thunder 10u stepped up....will your team???

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
momshell Posted - 03/07/2011 : 08:17:16
Last year, the Miracle League got a little over $6,000 and Children's got a little over $20,000. There were over 200 teams. I think the extreme cost of our 1 game($350) this year will easily cover a decent donation as well as covering another team' donation based on the cut that the charities got last year.
oldschooldad Posted - 03/06/2011 : 22:02:50
Originally posted by silvercityjon

I know some have posted their opinions about the Slugfest refund system. Some have been positive, some negative. When you are filling out your refund request stand up for a good cause and donate a portion back to the charity. This money goes to a great cause and if you seen any of these kids throw out the first pitch and see the excitement in their eyes it would not be a question as to what you would do. If each team simply donated $50.00 back to the cause that would be a check back to these kids that right now they are not expecting.

The Sawnee Mountain Thunder 10u stepped up....will your team???

How much of the non-refunded gate fee is going to the charity? $How much is TC donating? $100 minuimum cost (more if you played a game on Friday) to each of the 238 teams listed as confirmed and paid equals one healthy pay day in my book!!!!!
Sounds like all the teams have stepped up already.
Most have been held up!
Spartan4 Posted - 03/06/2011 : 21:14:02
I agree that each team should donate a portion back to the charity, I just think it is a good idea to allow each team to decide how much they would like to donate. By playing Friday our particular team will end up paying $350 for playing one game.....

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