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 Rainy Slugfest - cancel, postpone or try to play??

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
9U Coach Posted - 03/03/2011 : 08:24:09
30% chance of rain on Friday,90% Saturday & 40% Sunday in Cumming, GA according to weather.com. What will they do???? Who wants to try to get it in and maybe only play 1 or 2 games? Who would rather they postpone it to another weekend and keep everything the same as much as possible? Who would rather they just cancel it and refund everyone's $$?
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
baldy87 Posted - 03/03/2011 : 13:42:59
If it's going to be a washout on Saturday, I'm scared that the teams that have pool games scheduled on Friday night are going to get in one sloppy, cold game and then get told, "our refund policy says if you get in one game, you only get a 50% refund." That would stink.
beanball Posted - 03/03/2011 : 13:29:42
I have been both inside and outside the slugfest since its inception. The fact of the matter is that although there is a charity segment to this event it has traditionally been plagued by bad/unpredictable weather more often than not. My sons team hasa chosen not to to play in this event or any tournaments until APril for that matter for that reason.

The better competition will be out in April & May. These early season events are just a warm-up (no pun intended).
baldy87 Posted - 03/03/2011 : 13:00:18
If it's going to be a washout on Saturday, I'm scared that the teams that have pool games scheduled on Friday night are going to get in one sloppy, cold game and then get told, "our refund policy says if you get in one game, you only get a 50% refund." That would stink.
AllStar Posted - 03/03/2011 : 12:42:04
Originally posted by crackedbats

they will cancel if weather is too bad. my sons team was involved in a complete washout a few years back. most teams donated a portion of their fee to charity.

We were in that year as well. I decided before they did that I wasn't putting my players on the field on Sunday. I think the projected high was 27. I informed them and somebody ripped me a new one via email.
A couple of hours later they had to cancel. I think we donated 1/2 or 1/3 of the refund to the charity and never went back.
Spartan4 Posted - 03/03/2011 : 10:50:48
If they go to a shoot out format it should only be for pool play and the TD should offer a chance at a refund(minus whatever portion has been set aside for the charity)....I know that isn't what we signed up for. This tournament has attracted some really tough talent in our age group and I would rather not go play 30 minute games to decide the winner of such a big tourney.
crackedbats Posted - 03/03/2011 : 09:38:46
they will cancel if weather is too bad. my sons team was involved in a complete washout a few years back. most teams donated a portion of their fee to charity.
bmoser Posted - 03/03/2011 : 09:09:48
Its a charity fundraiser, so some portion should go to them. I cant see this number of fields being available for any future date due to Rec ball and other tourney commitments.

Go to the Tournaments section of this web site for alternatives for next weekend. I know the Duluth Destroyers event still has room for 11,12,13's. http://www.ddestroyers.com/
bball-fan Posted - 03/03/2011 : 08:59:51
They won't postpone. Too many teams have committed to other tournaments already. Would they shorten the games into a shoot-out type formula to try to get as many in as possible?

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