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 My Ugly Mug on Fox 5 tonight ;)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
coachtony Posted - 03/02/2011 : 23:02:42
Tonight Fox 5 came to our practice to interview us about how we use the iPad for scoring games and all about Game Changer. The basis of the story is about the new iPad2 coming out and how people are using it in their everyday lives. It should be on the 10p and 11p news. They got some great shots of the boys practicing, as well.

I will sign autographs at the tournament in Monroe this weekend for all of my fans! LOL!!! ;)


8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Strike 2 Posted - 03/14/2011 : 23:32:51
I bought the Verizon MiFi 2200 with my iPad. No contract....$20/month. Works great!
allbaseball Posted - 03/10/2011 : 14:23:03
we are using the espn iscore and have found it to be very helpful. our team has its on private website password protected so that the team parents can view in confidence that their kids stats wont be blasted all over the web, it also helps them if not at the game to see in real time a play by play. also knowing that you can keep your stats for a life time and can be sent to another ipad user if the kid leaves the team for whatever reason. we are all trying to keep up with our kids resume for the future and the sooner you can start the better.
coachtony Posted - 03/10/2011 : 12:59:24
Originally posted by delanceyj

I am interested in this, but read that you have to have a wireless connection to log into the web prior to games. I will be using an ipod touch, and most of these fields don't have wifi. I understand that I can log on prior to getting to the field, but what if we are playing back to back games? Would iScore be a better option for me?

Using a iPod touch, yes you are right. You would need WiFi. I use an iPad with 3G so I dont need WiFi. Another option is to use an iPhone so that you can use 3G. The last option...and one that I like, actually, is to go to Verizon and get the MiFi 2200. Basically it is a small 3G/WiFi box about the size of a credit card. It takes the Verizon 3G signal in and has a Wireless Network "Hot Spot" built into it so you would log your iTouch into the MiFi and use the 3G from there.

Wow...that sounded all techy and stuff like I really know what I am talking about....boy have I got you all fooled!! ;)


delanceyj Posted - 03/10/2011 : 10:56:40
I am interested in this, but read that you have to have a wireless connection to log into the web prior to games. I will be using an ipod touch, and most of these fields don't have wifi. I understand that I can log on prior to getting to the field, but what if we are playing back to back games? Would iScore be a better option for me?
CoachDad Posted - 03/05/2011 : 13:11:11
Gaamechanger now has an app that is directed more for the younger kids. "Little League Scorekeeper" - for 12 and unders.
coachtony Posted - 03/04/2011 : 11:15:58
The Game Changer system is not the only one for the iPad but I am pretty sure that I tried them all and it was WAY better than the rest. The system is absolutely free to the team to use but if Parents want to be able to follow the game stream and get very detailed stats they have to pay....but it is only like $9 for the whole season. After paying thousands of dollars per year for their kids to play travel ball, $9 seems like chump change to me ;)

If you missed the story on the new the video can be found here: http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/dpp/news/apple-unveils-thinner-faster-ipad2-030211


touchemall Posted - 03/04/2011 : 10:11:14
Game changer is a good one. Here is the link for details. Especially good since parents and friends who cannot attend can at the least (depending on if they stay on the free version or subscribe) keep up from their home computer or android device. Not sure of others out there but this one is pretty mistake proof.

Heater Posted - 03/03/2011 : 22:17:44
what app do you use?

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