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T O P I C R E V I E W |
CoachMark |
Posted - 02/20/2011 : 07:21:07 State Trooper Chadwick LeCroy honored I am very proud of the Sandy Plains Baseball Association for their support of State Trooper 744, Chadwick LeCroy. In case you've missed it, the 11u Sandy Plains Wildcats have dedicated their season to the memory of Trooper LeCroy with a touching ceremony Friday night. This event was covered by the Fox 5, AJC, MDJ, 11Alive, and others.
Sandy Plains has also set up a great Silent Auction of items for the family of Trooper LeCroy as well as information to donate to the family. You can find more information on that here. I don't know all the details (maybe somebody on here does) but evidently the public benefits to members families killed in action don't apply to those killed "instantly" like Trooper LeCroy.
I am very impressed by the 11u SPW Mgr Brian Smith's attention to this story since the incident in December. Trooper LeCroy's brother plays for his team. |
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