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 Bleacher Etiquette?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
22202 Posted - 01/19/2011 : 16:36:21
A little off topic but was wondering for the dog says of summer baseball I have seen parents bring out easy up tents, canopies and so forth to stay in the shade. Sometimes they just put them over the entire bleacher and sometimes off to the side. My question is what is the proper etiquette? What do you do between games with it? Just wondering what people think.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
baldy87 Posted - 01/20/2011 : 13:31:59
This is a GREAT post. We have also met many nice people who have done this on the hot or rainy summer days. Only other etiquette to mention is - if bleacher area is very small - please be courteous and let parents of kids who are playing the current game sit in the bleachers so they can watch their kids. We had one or two cases last year where the early game parents just stayed in the bleachers, leaving very little room for the current game's fans to sit and cheer for their team.
SSBuckeye Posted - 01/19/2011 : 22:06:01
Agreed, G-Man!
metsFan Posted - 01/19/2011 : 21:00:31
We usually move the tents to an area where our team can relax out of the sun before the next game. If we are heading out for a meal we will leave it there for the next team's fans to use.

What we have found that each team comes prepared with their own tents. If you have played travel or summer all stars in Georgia a tent is a must have.
excoach12 Posted - 01/19/2011 : 20:50:07
If you are playing on that field again that day then leave it up for others to use and make some friends with another team. If you are playing on a different field you might find that someone else has left theirs for you to use.
With Dizzy Dean All-Stars I would travel to tournaments to scout other teams and frequently spent 8-10 hours a day sitting in the same bleachers and would have my tent up. It was kinda fun to hear every team wonder where the tent came from and how nice it was to have the shade until someone asked "the stranger" if it was mine. :)
Alter-Ego Posted - 01/19/2011 : 20:47:21
Everybody is typically appreciative for you to leave a tent up between your games, for them to sit in. As hot as it gets, every bit of shade is gold.
G-Man Posted - 01/19/2011 : 19:55:20
If we were playing on that field again we would leave it up for the people who were playing on that field next. I am not sure about everyone else but these tournaments are about more than just the boys playing baseball. Its also about the social aspects for the adults. We enjoy going and meeting new people. What better way to break the ice then asking the next team playing on that field if they would like to use your canopy.

Originally posted by 22202

A little off topic but was wondering for the dog says of summer baseball I have seen parents bring out easy up tents, canopies and so forth to stay in the shade. Sometimes they just put them over the entire bleacher and sometimes off to the side. My question is what is the proper etiquette? What do you do between games with it? Just wondering what people think.

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