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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Strikers Baseball Posted - 01/16/2011 : 13:48:47
My 10 yr old son broke his elbow last night in a basketball game. Doc said he would be out for at least 4 weeks. The bright side is he is right handed and broke his left elbow. Any suggestions on any drills I can work with him on [NOT using the left arm once he is ready to work] since he will miss 4 weeks of baseball practice or should we not do anything for the full 4 weeks. This question stems from my son trying to tell me all morning what he thinks he can do at practices. He is worried he is going to let his team down.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Coach D Posted - 01/17/2011 : 15:36:20
My son broke hia arm in 9's . He was already catching so we used the time to work on throw downs to each base. He would squat behind a bucket of balls on the plate and grab a ball from the bucket pop up and throw a bucket to 2nd and a bucket to third. This really helped his speed coming from behind the plate and built his arm strength considerably .
excoach12 Posted - 01/17/2011 : 00:24:16
My son injured his pitching arm last April and did not pitch for 4 weeks. We carefully worked the arm back under the supervision of an orthopedic but it ended up being 12 weeks before he could pitch again. Now his arm is stronger than ever and is very fast and accurate. So we lost 3 months of 9U ball and ended up with an excellent 10U player instead. Great trade off.
The only thing I would do is top hand work off a tee and practice MAYBE pitching mechanics (no live throwing) if you can keep the left arm stationary enough. Let that arm heal, expect it to be closer to 7-9 weeks before he is completely comfortable working out with his left arm and he's back in shape. Better to take the months now to heal than to only get the arm back to 80%.
bestplayinbaseball Posted - 01/16/2011 : 14:57:17
Top hand/bottom hand drill for hitting, off the tee and soft toss left side and right.......maybe a switch hitter in your future?

Squat behind the imaginary plate and practice being the catcher. The other arm should be behind his back anyway,

Scooping balls out of the grass on the run in, for outfielders
Spartan4 Posted - 01/16/2011 : 14:36:50
Let him heal!! Mine broke his arm in the front yard last November and he was worried to death that he was letting someone down, he wasn't...And it is still early enough in the season that the tourneys really don't mean that much(he won't miss any NIT's or end of year World Series events) and it would be horrible to risk injury when the recovery time is so short.

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