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 Anyone playing this weekend?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mtrotb Posted - 01/13/2011 : 14:13:55
What's up fellas, how you guys like all the snow??
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alter-Ego Posted - 01/13/2011 : 21:18:58
Mark, you are probably covered up with snow up there, aren't you?

HS tryouts are in 18 days. Can't wait.
G-Man Posted - 01/13/2011 : 20:07:34
We just came back from Florida ( Cocoa Beach ) this past weekend from playing and heading back down to Fla next weekend to play in another tournament. Its the only place we can find warm weather LOL.
BTO Posted - 01/13/2011 : 18:18:18
I truly feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day!!! The same day over and over. Bring on some sunshine!!!
SSBuckeye Posted - 01/13/2011 : 16:46:17
It's the ice that is the killer. Rec baseball assessments are in 10 days at Hopewell. This crazy weather makes that seem odd right now. We need a warm spell!

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