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 Myrtle Beach Accomodatoins?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Critical Mass Posted - 01/13/2011 : 13:00:28
Will be playing in the Triple Crown 14U event this summer. Looking to book a condo or resort on the beach and want to hear from some of you who may have good recommendations. Looking for 2BR unit on beach in good location. After reviewing online, it looks like Bay View may be pretty good but welcome any and all opinions.

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Critical Mass Posted - 01/16/2011 : 13:30:58
Thanks guys.
jongamefan Posted - 01/15/2011 : 11:50:30
Braves: great point about the whole team for vrbo.com

Our 2 trips there were individual stays once with one other player so we didnt have to organize it with everryone :-)

Originally posted by ecbbraves

Agree with jongamefame. There are no shortage of quality condo resorts on the beach so you can get great deals off of vrbo by waiting until 2 weeks out. Only issue with vrbo is that trying to get everyone into the same resort takes some work but it's do-able.

I wouldn't recommend staying in NMB as it's a longer drive to the fields, restaurants and entertainment. Traffic can start to be an issue on HWY 17 in the afternoon.

ecbbraves Posted - 01/15/2011 : 08:55:49
Agree with jongamefame. There are no shortage of quality condo resorts on the beach so you can get great deals off of vrbo by waiting until 2 weeks out. Only issue with vrbo is that trying to get everyone into the same resort takes some work but it's do-able.

I wouldn't recommend staying in NMB as it's a longer drive to the fields, restaurants and entertainment. Traffic can start to be an issue on HWY 17 in the afternoon.
SMASH Posted - 01/15/2011 : 08:02:47
Any more experiences with the Myrtlewood Villas? Our package to the Ripken experience included (3) three bedroom condos there.
Thunder Posted - 01/15/2011 : 07:16:27
i would suggest staying on the beach and avoiding the hassle of having to load up the car and find parking to go to the beach. Otherwise its too much back and forth. There are plenty of options that are on the beach and still close to Ripken.
jongamefan Posted - 01/15/2011 : 01:24:10
Definitely worth the drive in from Surfside on prices and more like 15 minutes

Tip: dont reserve there until closer to event there were always condos available in past years and the hotelers get nervous about 2 weeks out.

We used VRBO.com for that area

Originally posted by rjrousseau1

If you prefer a less crowded, quieter area try Surfside Beach. No high rise condos, mostly 3-4 story condos so beaches and area not as crowded. An easy 20 minute drive from Surfside Beach to Ripken.

prb978 Posted - 01/14/2011 : 22:36:16
If you stay at Myrtlewoods Villas be prepared to drive to the beach and trying to find parking when you get there is another thing to worry about. Don't know anything about their condos, but we didn't stay there because there were some bad reviews online about them. If you are going to the beach I would recommend that you stay on the beach. JMHO
SouthSide24 Posted - 01/14/2011 : 14:34:42
Great responses so far..For Ripken tournamnet, we are thinking of staying off site with team instead of at the myrtlewood villas. Not sure if this is a good thing or not?? Any thoughts on myrtlewood villas as well?
rjrousseau1 Posted - 01/14/2011 : 13:06:45
If you prefer a less crowded, quieter area try Surfside Beach. No high rise condos, mostly 3-4 story condos so beaches and area not as crowded. An easy 20 minute drive from Surfside Beach to Ripken.
22202 Posted - 01/14/2011 : 10:05:10
What about North Myrtle Beach area? I've heard its a little less commercial and less traffic. I don't know how far it is from the complex though.
Thunder Posted - 01/14/2011 : 06:40:28
The Carribean is very nice and in a great location. We have stayed there twice and enjoyed it both times. Its within a few minutes of the Ripken complex, Broadway at the Beachor Board (shopping/resturants) and Pelicans field/
G-Man Posted - 01/14/2011 : 02:06:13
I have stayed there as well. It is a nice resort to stay at.
prb978 Posted - 01/13/2011 : 22:46:38
Ocean Reef Resort
We stayed there last year and I have stayed several times over the years. It is very clean and right on the beach with indoor and outdoor pool.

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