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 PG @ Brooks Run!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
WarEagle34 Posted - 07/02/2020 : 08:08:47
Just a head's up, Brooks Run Park is now requiring all fans to wear masks at all times! Just started today and doesn't appear that PG has posted any notices.

And someone from Dunwoody baseball is there policing the crowds.

Not a commentary on masks, just a head's up.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
WarEagle34 Posted - 07/02/2020 : 13:25:19
No problem, wish it could have gotten out sooner. Sad to see 'adults' berating two teenage girls working the two gates @ Brooks Run for something they obviously had zero to do with. You should add a little more their paychecks for the abuse they got this morning.
PGADMIN Posted - 07/02/2020 : 11:52:38
Thank you for posting this for everyone. Due to the restrictions set in place by the City of Dunwoody, there are guidelines that are set in place for the field, which can be found under the "Event Ballpark" section on events being played at Brook Run.

Here is the link for the rules, in case anyone is curious: https://www.perfectgame.org/events/bpf.pdf

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