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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alter-Ego Posted - 12/24/2010 : 10:35:08
Just thinking back through the 6 or so years of travel baseball brings some things to mind.

It's interesting how we spend so much time running the race and not enjoying the scenery along the way. We lement over every single inning and at-bat our kids play, wanting them to be successful. Rather than just enjoying watching them play, knowing they will have success and failure.

Maybe it is our society now that tries to run everything in warp speed. Maybe it is the high visibility of travel baseball and the internal competition that makes every game feel like a "Must Win" and every unsuccessful play a kid has seems to be amplified.

I want to challenge all of us this next season (especially the 8u-12 parents because you still have some great years ahead of you).

-Enjoy the time your kid is playing.
-Watch them enjoy the game, and if they are not, find out why, because that has to be the most important thing.
-Spend the rides home from the games talking about the good things that happened. Leave the bad things to the coaches to work out.
-Teach them to love the game, whether playing or spectating.
-Focus less on where everyone ranks locally or nationally and more on how the kids are enjoying playing together.

Baseball has become a "JOB" to many kids and my hope is that we keep finding ways to make it fun for them.

I know there will be a lot of people that say "My son loves baseball and the work we do.", and my son is one that loves baseball like no other sport. As parents we need to enjoy the journey a little more.

Of course, maybe it's just me.....

I hope everyone has the best season so far, in 2011.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
HITANDRUN Posted - 12/27/2010 : 08:58:00
Great Post Alter-Ego. Keeping it "FUN" is still the most important part of sports even as they get older.
loveforthegame25 Posted - 12/25/2010 : 19:27:28
Well I can say i am doing this with my 5 year old. When my 15 yr old was 5 I was into every pitch, every swing, every play like it was life or death. Now when my 5 year old is looking at the outfield fence, making circles in the dirt or striking out, I just smile at him and say "havin fun buddy?" Looking back on those years I dont know if I would change anything but I do know my younger son doesnt have the stress i put on my older son when we are driving to the park. I think back now on what he must have been feeling when we were pulling into the parking lot. I thank God he didnt lose the loveforthegame. He is looking forward to his freshman year and then the summer ball at EC. My 5 yr old is looking forward to next year.
bballman Posted - 12/24/2010 : 12:31:53
Awesome post Alter. There will be plenty of time for the business of baseball when the kids get to HS and want to move to the next level. Enjoy it while they are young. Time passes quickly. My son is a junior and I can't believe where the time has gone and how soon he will be moving on.

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