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 Best Defensive DVD for Baseball 13 and up

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
HITANDRUN Posted - 12/21/2010 : 09:53:21
Any body have any recommendations for infield defensive DVD's for Christmas Presents ages 13 and up?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Titan Man Posted - 12/21/2010 : 10:33:03
"WINNING BASEBALL" This by far is the best defensive DVD on the market. Its truly amazing! Winning Baseball is a must for any youth coach or parent. With detailed pro instruction from the basics up to the most advanced skills,are covered to improve your players skill set. Coach Mongero and his DVDS have helped our team take our game to a new level.I have had the privelege of previewing these DVDs before they hit the Market. His DVD and book Its a must see!!!!


Originally posted by HITANDRUN

Any body have any recommendations for infield defensive DVD's for Christmas Presents ages 13 and up?

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