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 Christmas Clinic

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
CSABaseball Posted - 12/17/2010 : 06:05:29
Cartersville Sports Academy is having a Christmas Clinic.

Ages 6-12 on December 27th & 28th
Ages 13-18 on December 29th & 30th


$75.00 for individual registration
$50.00 for team/group registration (6 or more)

The Clinic will be instructed by professional scouts and professional players. We will cover all aspects of the game including hitting drills, live hitting off our new AllStar Ace 5000 pitching simulators, pitching mechanics, arm strength & arm care, speed & agility, baserunning, and more.
Call and register today (678) 535-3280
Sign up online at https://www.leaguelineup.com/FormPreview.asp?url=csa&sid=419254946&FormID=54120
For more information about CSA visit our website www.csabaseball.com
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CSABaseball Posted - 12/27/2010 : 19:46:45
It's not too late to sign up for the Christmas Clinic at Cartersville Sports Academy. Ages 6-12 can still attend day 2 of our Christmas Clinic on Tuesday, December 28th, from 12:00-3:00. The cost for one day registration is $40.00.

The clinic for Ages 13-18 will be Wednesday & Thursday (December 29th & 30th) from 12:00-3:00. The cost to register for the clinic is $75.00. A special group/team rate for 6 or more is $50.00/player.

The cost includes a CSA dri-fit shirt, film analysis of hitting, pitching and fielding with each player, and video footage posted on our website. Each player will get to hit several rounds off our AllStar pitching simulators and see the results on the clinic highlight video. To view the simulator in action and see video footage from recent events and programs, go to..
visit our website www.csabaseball.com Includes video on several pages.Parents can purchase individual highlights on DVD with music and special effects including slow motion and still shots. The cost is $30.00 for the first DVD and production & $10.00 for each additional copy.

14 Felton Place
Cartersville, Georgia 30120


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