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 1,400 acre Sports Complex coming to Bartow County?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
stevebrewster Posted - 12/16/2010 : 22:41:48

I just read this on Hometownheadlines.com. Has anyone else heard about this? I hope it's true.

Announcement due Friday on massive sports complex in Bartow County!

"Big news breaking in the morning ... here's the scoop: 1,400-acre sports complex coming to Emerson. We've been told it will be Bartow County's version of ESPN's Wide World of Sports (at Disney World). Huge news for the area. You heard it first here."


5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bball-fan Posted - 12/21/2010 : 23:10:22
Check out this video.

RACGOFAR Posted - 12/19/2010 : 21:44:55
Not too many in Gwinnett are going to drive way up there to play anything other than tourneys and showcases.
bestplayinbaseball Posted - 12/17/2010 : 21:13:21
For all of your sons that want an early "in" you might want to consider that baseball organization in Euharlee. They have had the low down the entire time. it's not a coincidence..... Unlike Cobb County, Bartow has welcomed PG and this new baseball endeavor with open arms and incentives. Got talent, little playing time and 15 kids on the roster. Go train with that top trainer and see if you can cut it. Go see what they can do for your son.
stanlewis Posted - 12/17/2010 : 09:18:43
Here is a link to newspaper article

biged Posted - 12/17/2010 : 08:58:45
How long will it take to get on line. Hopefully, sooner rather then later

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