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 Lefty vs Righty 1st Basemen

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rippit Posted - 12/14/2010 : 08:23:26
In the last 12 months, my son's coach has been playing him at 3rd and 1st, with predominantly more time at 1st. My son is right handed.

I don't believe my son is playing more first base because he isn't a good choice for 3rd base, but because he's the best choice for 1st base on this particular team. He's a taller kid/better reach, knows how to hold runners on blah, blah and can pick balls out of the dirt

I want opinions on whether or not high school coaches will give a left handed 1st baseman higher priority over a righty. He's 13 and has through fall travel season 2012 to be the best he can be before having to try out for a 9th grade team. Thanks.
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Alter-Ego Posted - 12/22/2010 : 11:52:08
Sounds like your friend took a good approach to working toward an new position. Good for him. If Buster Posey had not converted to a C his soph year at Fla State, no telling how he would have progressed.

The key is being diverse enough to adjust along the way.
ecbstars Posted - 12/21/2010 : 16:38:06
That is correct. Two more years at a ju-co and he was drafted again by the same organization. He was taken much higher & as a catcher.
Originally posted by HITANDRUN

Originally posted by ecbstars

I think it is very important to develop at positions other than 1B. I have a good friend who did not sign out of HS because he was drafted as a 1B. Problem is, very quickly there: hit or sit. There are lots of players at upper levels that can hit but are butchers in the field. Lots of MLB 1B's were converted to that position. There other attributes, including the ability to hit it helped to get them there. Getting some time at corner OF positions should be able to happen @ 13.

So your friend did not sign out of high school because he was drafted as a 1B man? What position did he play in high school? Did he ever end up getting drafted again or play after that?

HITANDRUN Posted - 12/20/2010 : 08:49:06
Originally posted by ecbstars

I think it is very important to develop at positions other than 1B. I have a good friend who did not sign out of HS because he was drafted as a 1B. Problem is, very quickly there: hit or sit. There are lots of players at upper levels that can hit but are butchers in the field. Lots of MLB 1B's were converted to that position. There other attributes, including the ability to hit it helped to get them there. Getting some time at corner OF positions should be able to happen @ 13.

So your friend did not sign out of high school because he was drafted as a 1B man? What position did he play in high school? Did he ever end up getting drafted again or play after that?
ecbstars Posted - 12/15/2010 : 13:31:34
I think it is very important to develop at positions other than 1B. I have a good friend who did not sign out of HS because he was drafted as a 1B. Problem is, very quickly there: hit or sit. There are lots of players at upper levels that can hit but are butchers in the field. Lots of MLB 1B's were converted to that position. There other attributes, including the ability to hit it helped to get them there. Getting some time at corner OF positions should be able to happen @ 13.
baseballpapa Posted - 12/14/2010 : 22:17:30
Maybe we could even add a senior citizen forum for Papa.
Gwinnett Posted - 12/14/2010 : 20:21:44
Hey Stan Lewis maybe there should be a forum for single moms and dads to meet....lol....lol
stanlewis Posted - 12/14/2010 : 20:02:53
Good Idea! There now is a forum at the end of the General Discussion forums for Baseball Moms. Advice, questions and support for the baseball moms.
loveforthegame25 Posted - 12/14/2010 : 18:44:16
I agree with EGO. If your son can hit he will play 1st 3rd OF or whereever in high school. 1st is not an easy position to play. A good defensive 1st basemen is very valuable.
rippit Posted - 12/14/2010 : 17:19:14
AE: I've actually done the tennis ball thing! He was put in LF a couple of years ago with a different coach, but they never worked with him out there, they just did infield drills. I didn't know what else to do because even as a kid I couldn't throw a ball up to myself and hit it - so I got the tennis racket out. It helped, but then he changed teams, went to 3B, and then 1B, plus the field got bigger.

I've done as much as I can do - even caught for him in the yard when he practiced pitching, but it's just too dangerous now. And paying someone more than once a week is just too expensive.

Moser: I wish there was a forum for baseball moms too...it would be so educational.

Thanks to both of you for the support!
bmoser Posted - 12/14/2010 : 15:36:25
I think its awesome that you read the posts trying to learn more to help your son realize his full potential. Glad you posted too. I'll bet there are quite a few Mom's out there just like yourself. I'd love to see topic for travel baseball Mom's only.

Alter-Ego Posted - 12/14/2010 : 15:27:53
Never be afraid to ask questions on here. Just because you are a mom does not mean that you don't have very valid questions or comments. Heck, my wife knows more about baseball than most of the dads and coaches I know.

As for additional work for your son, something we used to do was to stay around after practice and work on pop flies in the outfield, because he was working at 1b all the time in practice. Not every team can work players in all the alternate positions they would like, so we as parents have to do some of that outside of practice. His coach might be able to get him additional work at 3b, but two additional positions might be difficult.

If you are thinking "I really can't hit him fly balls." I would suggest going and getting a cheap used tennis racket and 4 cans of tennis balls and hit those up to him. The key thing is for him to work on moving to the ball and getting in the right position to make the catch and a subsequent throw.
rippit Posted - 12/14/2010 : 12:29:47
Thanks to both of you for your replies. I think it may be time for him to ask to practice at 3B and OF as much as he does at 1B.

I hate to say it, but I think he's been pigeonholed because he's always been bigger than the normal kid. Not fat, but currently 5'6" and 170 lbs. of solid truck you over mass and his proportions have been the same since he was 8 years old. He isn't the fastest on the team, but he isn't the slowest either. We keep waiting for him to "shoot up" now that he's 13. He hits very well now that it isn't all upper body and he's rotating his hips.

I really like these discussion boards because I have lurked off and on for about a year and have learned an awful lot. I was almost afraid to ask a question though because I'm just some kid's mom!

I'm just going to keep telling him to be persistent and that his hard work will pay off in the end.
Alter-Ego Posted - 12/14/2010 : 10:54:28
I think it comes down to more about how they hit and what other positions each player plays than which handed they are. My son is a LH first baseman and I don't consider him being LH as an automatic advantage over a RH first baseman. I keep telling him "You've have to hit and you have to play great defense at 1b, to play over there."

LH players are restricted to 1b, OF, and P. RH players can play all positions. That, many times, can lead a coach to use a player in one place or another, even if a better player option is available.

It is always adviseable to continue to work secondary positions because, especially with HS, you never know if there is a player a grade ahead that may play that position and block you out. While competing for the position is possible, there are typically other factors that come into the decision making other than who the best defensive 1b is.
SSBuckeye Posted - 12/14/2010 : 09:13:12
The challenge any coach faces with a lefty is where to play him. You can only play him in 4 of the 8 defensive spots. If he's a big kid, only 3. If he's not quick at all, then it may only be one position if he can hit. I have a son who is a righty and plays 1B and I don't lose any sleep over that fact. But I know that based on the kids who make the team in HS that he could be impacted by this. So, it's always a good thing if the kids can play numerous positions, which is why I like my boys to get exposure to multiple spots.

At the end of the day, I think it's always better to be a righty in this sport, because you have so many more chances to play early in HS. Though if you're a lefty and can throw 90 MPH, you can make millions until your mid 40's! Someone told me once, if he can hit, he will play. In my opinion, that is the more important consideration as you approach HS.

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