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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Southern Baseball Posted - 12/13/2010 : 21:24:39
2011 USSSA Coaches Meeting
January 23, 2011 - 01:00 PM Southern Baseball and Georgia USSSA would like to invite all Coaches to join us for the 2011 Coaches Conference. The Conference will be held in Calhoun Ga and is a continuing effort to help teams stay informed of playing rule changes, online roster requirements, reclassification and the all new travel ball post season format. Sessions have been scheduled around the state and a maximum of four (4) coaches from every team are invited and strongly encouraged to attend a session.

Due to time restraints, the conferences will not be open forum but rather Coaches wanting specific questions answered need to email such questions to the State Office in advance. Please include the session you will be attending in your email's subject line and send to info@gausssabaseball.com.

Tournament Directors will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about their specific events. Drawings at each session will award door prizes to include free tournament entries. In addition, one Grand Prize will be awarded at each session for a FREE entry in the 2011 Atlanta Super NIT played March 18-20 (valued up to $495).

Southern Baseball will also give away a free tournament entry fee for all attending coaches to register for. Please email us asap to reserve your spot. southernbaseball@hotmail.com

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Southern Baseball Posted - 01/17/2011 : 22:12:28
Also Sorry we couldnt have it closer to Cobb County guys! Please come up and talk with us about Southern Baseball along with alot of information from Georgia USSSA.
Southern Baseball Posted - 01/17/2011 : 22:10:03
Address for North Coaches Clinic is :
Calhoun Elks Lodge
143 Craigtown Road
Calhoun, Ga 30701

Please email confirmation to southernbaseball@hotmail.com

**Also for those wanting to watch some football the Club Lounge will be open for those wanting to hang around after meeting.
bmoser Posted - 12/18/2010 : 18:09:08
I went to the Cumming conference last year, and found it very informative. Perhaps they are just rotating them around.

From a marketing perspective, USSSA probably wants to be sure to serve their best existing clients/teams, and also serve teams in areas where they feel they have the best chance to expand their business. If I'm correct, I think the sites were very well chosen.

Originally posted by Thunder

With so many teams in the Cobb, Fulton, Gwinnett and Forsyth county areas, why wasn't a conference scheduled for the north metro atlanta area?

Thunder Posted - 12/15/2010 : 19:05:03
With so many teams in the Cobb, Fulton, Gwinnett and Forsyth county areas, why wasn't a conference scheduled for the north metro atlanta area?

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