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 college athletes

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wareagle Posted - 12/10/2010 : 16:47:16
Just want to see different perspectives on this topic. The question is should they change the rules to allow more compensation to college athletes. The stakes for the better athletes have gotten so high that no one can blame them for going pro vs finishing school. These kids bring soooo much money to the colleges is it fair that they can receive no compensation?

Every time that kid steps on the field to help earn the college another couple of million, he could get hurt end up with nothing(granted a college degree is not "Nothing", but I would sell mine for a few million).

Obviously I am an Auburn fan, but the current rules do not allow compensation, so if it happened they should be punished. I am not looking for a Cam Newton discussion just general opinions.
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
a1prog Posted - 12/16/2010 : 20:57:37
i have read this thread with interest and want to make a point about the scholarships in baseball that i had not seen posted;

baseball scholarships are not guaranteed. they are a one year renewable contract. the same is true for every sport. but baseball, unlike most others, will change or pull your scholarship if you dont perform. and this happens a lot. so if you are a pitcher and come in with say a 70% deal and go out there and produce an era of say 9.50 you should expect that you will stay on scholarship. but they will most likely drop the percentage and go find someone else to give that money too. this is a fact. its not bs.

so you get paid for performing. the better you do the more you get paid. so as i see it- that is not an amateur endeavor.
gasbag Posted - 12/14/2010 : 17:58:02
Tell them to get and maintain a 3.0 gpa and combine some Hope scholarship monies with a baseball scholarship. That's why many Ga. schools are looking for student / athletes.....there's HOPE yet !!!
LeftyBat Posted - 12/14/2010 : 00:34:51
Originally posted by bballman

Originally posted by LeftyBat

If I understand correctly Title 9 is the major driver behind the lack of full scholarships for baseball players...

I'll agree with that - just didn't want to open that can of worms.

I serve worms for dinner all the time....
Spartan4 Posted - 12/13/2010 : 19:02:33
Yea.....baseball is tough....a lot of kids who are flat out dominant in HS get 50% scholarships in baseball, while if they dominated any phase of the game in football they would get countless offers from D-1 schools....Full scholarships, I'm not even sure if you can get a partial scholly in football??
dgersh22 Posted - 12/13/2010 : 17:12:52
I have a nephew that is a senior at UGA and is in his third year as a walk-on; he plays the game for the love of the game. Over the last three years he has not missed a practice, team meeting, workout, or a class. Did I mention that he is also pre-med and was accepted into med school for the fall. He is a true student-athlete and gets nothing for his countless hours of dedication to the team; he puts in just as many hours if not more then the scholorship player just to remain on the team. He does not receive free meals (game day only), nor free room and board; and beleive me there are many more on the team that are in the same boat.

As I said he does this for the love of the game!! But should he not be compensated in some manner for his devotion and dedication to the team?
bballman Posted - 12/13/2010 : 15:54:04
Originally posted by LeftyBat

If I understand correctly Title 9 is the major driver behind the lack of full scholarships for baseball players...

I'll agree with that - just didn't want to open that can of worms.
Spartan4 Posted - 12/13/2010 : 15:44:36
I think it is pretty simple, baseball much less money than football, and D-1 college football is nationally televised. I agree that more baseball scholarships should be given out.....Can't a scholarship be revoked due to injury?? I have read a couple stories of kids either being asked to walk on and get student loans, or "greyshirting"....I read a pretty good article a couple weeks ago on Saban talking about kids from both LSU and Bama who were asked to quit the football team due to "injury" so he could recruit better talent...These kids were offered free tuition if they agreed to no longer participate in football...The link is at the bottom. Just another example of kids being mistreated by major universities for the purpose of making money....Also, money being a driving factor as to what school a player picks IMO is kind of a non issue.....If a D-1 quality QB is offered a scholarship between UGA or Ga Southern or USC vs UCLA..Texas/Texas Tech....The bigger school ALMOST always wins anyways, not so sure money would make a difference. Very rarely do we see 5-star players go to a small school that has less national exposure...Players will never get paid but like the OP said in the first post...If he could sell his degree for several million I'm sure it would be a no doubter!!!


LeftyBat Posted - 12/13/2010 : 14:55:28
Originally posted by bballman

I think a college education, room & board, meals, etc... is fine. These are not professional athletes, they are amatuers. Open the door a little and the floodgates will come undone. I don't think we need celebrity college athletes. Being a baseball dad, what I think we need is a more equitable distribution of scholarships. Football has enough scholarships to give a full ride to every player on the team - whether they sit the bench or are the Heisman Trophy quarterback. Baseball gets 11.7 for a 35 man roster.

Many, many of these kids are getting a diploma from a college that they would not have been able to otherwise. They will be much more valuable on the job market than if they didn't go to college and play football. If they go on to play professionally, great. If not, they have a degree for the real world or the experience to go out and coach or give lessons, or start a business in the athletic industry or whatever it is that they want to do. You can't tell me these kids are not better off after 4 or 5 years of going to college and playing a sport than if they didn't.

Baseball kids work just as hard as the football kids to get where they are and yet have roughly 1/5th of the scholarship money available to them. They will work just as hard as the football guys once they are there as well. Rather than pay the football players, give up some scholarships for the baseball players.

I think if this one done, a lot of football players who ride the bench would opt to play baseball. I think it is well documented that the lack of full scholarships in baseball has been a major driver of the decline of african american players in college and professional baseball.

If I understand correctly Title 9 is the major driver behind the lack of full scholarships for baseball players...
wareagle Posted - 12/13/2010 : 14:03:12
Good Points from all. I like bballman's thinking. Does anyone Know what percentage goes to the athletics dept. vs the schools gereral fund? Are these athletes primarily helping fund other sports, or the universities "pet projects", Presidents Salary, etc. Basically where does the "Profit" go?
I also like the idea of letting the kids make money as described by baserunner.

I think the players could be compensated in some way, but I agree it would become too hard to control and thus will probably not happen.
bballman Posted - 12/13/2010 : 11:40:31
I think a college education, room & board, meals, etc... is fine. These are not professional athletes, they are amatuers. Open the door a little and the floodgates will come undone. I don't think we need celebrity college athletes. Being a baseball dad, what I think we need is a more equitable distribution of scholarships. Football has enough scholarships to give a full ride to every player on the team - whether they sit the bench or are the Heisman Trophy quarterback. Baseball gets 11.7 for a 35 man roster.

Many, many of these kids are getting a diploma from a college that they would not have been able to otherwise. They will be much more valuable on the job market than if they didn't go to college and play football. If they go on to play professionally, great. If not, they have a degree for the real world or the experience to go out and coach or give lessons, or start a business in the athletic industry or whatever it is that they want to do. You can't tell me these kids are not better off after 4 or 5 years of going to college and playing a sport than if they didn't.

Baseball kids work just as hard as the football kids to get where they are and yet have roughly 1/5th of the scholarship money available to them. They will work just as hard as the football guys once they are there as well. Rather than pay the football players, give up some scholarships for the baseball players.
baserunner Posted - 12/13/2010 : 09:39:10
I feel that college athletes should have an opportunity to be compensated from their talents, but I don't think the universities should pay them. If we allowed schools to pay players the big time programs would buy up all the good talent and things would be even more lopsided than they are today. There is no way that a school with 5,000 student enrollment (public or private) could ever compete with one with 30,000 students and deep pockets. A free college education, first rate coaching and facilities, and national exposure is a pretty good deal if you ask me.

I do believe though that athletes should be able to market themselves and generate personal revenue from it while being a student. This may be in the form of TV endorsements, speaking engagements, autographed sports memorabilia, etc. Hey I'd pay 100 buck for autographed Cam Newton football today, wouldn't you?

seminole tony Posted - 12/13/2010 : 06:39:12
I agree colleges make tons off athletes, but what of the millions of student athletes that play for lower division schools? should they get paid the same? Their schools make little if any off their names. In Div.1 only a handful of the top name schools really make a lot of money off the students and they are also the schools that field the most diverse amount of sports for both men and women to play in. Money that comes into those colleges have to be split amongst all the sports(men and women).

You also have to take into account the number of athletes that these colleges invest in that due to injuries or the student not making the grade go bust for that university. How about that big name athlete going pro early and not staying all 4 years and hurting the program in the long run?

Take your scholarship, get your education, play ball and be happy!!! Use your gifts and prepare for the rest of your life. Only the very few go pro. If you are good enough, congratulations, but use college sports only to further your education. Its costing you nothing really. You get to continue playing a sport that by now you should love.
Just like we tell the kids now "YOU ONLY GET OUT WHAT YOU PUT IN". If you play college ball only to go pro...good luck. If you play college ball for the education...you need no luck, your smarter already.
AllStar Posted - 12/12/2010 : 19:32:04
The players are exploited. The "education" many get is negligible, if not flat out nonexistent. If we're going to hide behind the "their education is their compensation", then the schools shouldn't be able to pull their scholarships from year to year and the schools shouldn't get a new scholarship until the the player has graduated, or 6 years, whichever comes first.

I don't have a solution, but the bottom line is that most of the football and basketball players are used by the school with no real recourse.
Spartan4 Posted - 12/12/2010 : 17:36:04
Potentially make millions.....A very small percentage of college players make it to any pro level...Tim Tebow, Colt McCoy, Cam Newton, Ryan Mallett....You can buy jerseys with these players' numbers and names on the back of them....I never said a college degree wasn't adequate compensation, but I don't think if would hurt for these boys to have some pocket change(as little as 50$ a week)...I do think that a majority is vehemently opposed to the paying of college players but seldom do you hear about the people who profit from the college athletes....It is a trade off for your education
bball2k10 Posted - 12/12/2010 : 07:31:57
Georgia can make MILLIONS upon MILLIONS selling AJ Green jerseys

Although I'm sure they make plenty, I would think that "MILLIONS upon MILLIONS" seems a bit of a stretch for AJ Green jerseys. Probably not selling many outside the Metro Atlanta/ Athens area. In fact Georgia as a team is not even one of the top 10 selling college football jerseys in the country. Let's not forget that not only are they getting a free college education that most players wouldn't be getting otherwise, they are also given an opportunity to make it to the NFL where they will potentially make "MILLIONS upon MILLIONS".
If it's so tough on them they should not play college football and go out and get a job.
excoach12 Posted - 12/11/2010 : 23:17:01
NCAA Football players ARE paid:
4 or 5 year scholarship worth anywhere from 20-60 thousand a year
Free room and board for the same time period
Have the benefit of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of professional coaching from people dedicated to helping them achieve the skills and experience needed for entry to the NFL
Free transportation, room and board to away games where they get to play against other talented and well coached kids
National exposure a few times a year to the organizations who might draft them for the NFL
A degree.

I understand your thoughts wareagle that the schools are making millions but a large percentage of that money is rolled back into the programs themselves, capital improvements, equipment, coaches salaries, etc that benefit the player while at school and improve the program for those that follow. Those that go on to the NFL make their money then, the others are paid in experiences and perhaps they coach later in life and get paid then.
Zcoach Posted - 12/11/2010 : 19:41:42
as opposed to giving them a $25,000-$50,000/year FREE OPPORTUNITY to earn a college degree. Plus meals for 4-5years, plus housing...clothing...
Spartan4 Posted - 12/11/2010 : 15:39:41
I should clarify something.....I'm not talking about paying these players a ton of money.....But giving them 400-800$ a month to take their girlfriend to dinner, buy some clothes stuff like that....Another thing that I have absolutely no idea about but would giving these kids money cause more or fewer arrests?? You could also be giving a 19 yr old kid a handful of money to go out and drink and drive or buy drugs with...Never thought of that til now but that is something to consider
Spartan4 Posted - 12/10/2010 : 23:39:10
IMO there is no way to regulate paying college athletes.....The 4th string long snapper would have to make as much as the starting QB......That in itself would create a HUGE HUGE issue...>Then the womens soccer team would feel they were entitled to the same amount of money the football players were(even though the revenue earned between the two sports isn't even close)....So IMO the main issue would be finding a way to quantify who deserves what and then justifying it....

I do think it is DEAD WRONG that a university such as Georgia can make MILLIONS upon MILLIONS selling AJ Green jerseys with #8 on them and he gets suspended for selling it for 1000....I think that is a joke, also the NCAA isn't about the best interest of an athlete they prove that over and over....Dez Bryant was suspended for TALKING to Deion Sanders and Cam Newton is being accused of being pimped for 180,000.....Difference is Auburn is a legit title contender and Oklahoma State wasn't.....Stanford finishes much higher in the BCS than the bowl they were selected for......Reason.."they don't travel well"..Teams that have a large fan base often get selected over better teams(money)..Instead they play Va Tech who is ranked 13th....College sports is about making old men rich...Not the athletes tho, as we know only a select few college athletes ever get paid to play sports....God forbid a coach text a player too many times....But if that players dad wants a pay for play deal that is perfectly fine as long as the "player" doesn't know about it??? NCAA is really screwing up here saying this isn't Newtons fault. This "loophole" will be used until they close it, which they will as soon as the player in question isn't playing in college footballs biggest game... I will 110% guarantee that if he played for a Washington or USF or other school not in the national spotlight the program and player would have been axed by now....I can't stand the way some things are done in sports...

Rant Over.....

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