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T O P I C    R E V I E W
justwin1 Posted - 11/20/2010 : 12:04:59
At 10U, should a left-handed pitcher seek instruction from a left-handed instructor - or does it really matter?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CSABaseball Posted - 12/19/2010 : 00:15:21
Justin Edwards LHP in the St Louis Cardinals organization is giving pitching instruction at Cartersville Sports Academy until he goes back to spring training in March.
14 Felton Place
Cartersville GA 30120
Alter-Ego Posted - 12/09/2010 : 08:46:27
If you want to try a great LH Pitching coach that I can personally vouch for, give Chris a call, if Acworth is not too far for you to drive. (I was not sure what area you live in.)

Chris Cumberland
loveforthegame25 Posted - 12/08/2010 : 20:39:09
Oh yes, T enjoyed Catching him. GAS
Alter-Ego Posted - 12/08/2010 : 14:40:34
coach 6,
Chris is who I was referring to, above. He has been my son's pitching instructor for the past 5-1/2 years. I would not trade him for anyone.

You just have to try things out to see what is best for your son. To be honest, the only times we have had issues is when we got away from him working with Chris.

Love knows Chris, too. He can still bring it, can't he, Love?
coach 6 Posted - 11/21/2010 : 15:39:52
Chris Cumberland is a great pitching instrctor out of Acworth Sports in downtown acworth, who just happnes to be left handed. I know a hanful of people who took their sons to him and were impressed.
loveforthegame25 Posted - 11/21/2010 : 14:34:06
A left handed pitching instructor for a LHP is very beneficial if they can demonstrate proper mechanics and the different LHP pickoff moves. In my opinion if you have a choice of instructors with semi equal knowledge go with the same hand. Teach your LHP the multiple pick off moves now at 10. Will give him a significant advantage as he gets older.
Alter-Ego Posted - 11/21/2010 : 07:51:34
A player looking for instruction should find an instructor they will learn from and develop. I would never tell a LHP they can't learn from a RH instructor. My LH son, however, has a LH pitching instructor that he feels has taught him things about the approach to pitching that he has not gotten with a RH instructor. His LH instructor, though, does work with RHP's as well.

If I were you, I would be more interested in a great instructor your son meshes with well, than an average one that happens to throw from the same side.

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