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 GLOVE RE STRINGING anyone local

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hurricane Posted - 10/16/2010 : 08:37:55
Has anyone used a local company for a complete re-string of a first basemans mitt? Where and how much?
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Coach D Posted - 02/17/2011 : 15:24:47
Catch and throw , Glad you finally got signed on !!
catch and throw Posted - 02/17/2011 : 07:51:11
New Life Gloves out of Newnan does a great job!Just got a catchers mitt and glove done look like new.
LLH Posted - 02/16/2011 : 10:34:40
Just had my sons glove done by the Glove Guy (Brian Hodges) in Dacula. Fast turn around and a great job. Give him a call 404-538-0530
baseball1 Posted - 01/11/2011 : 12:52:46
Play It Again Sports in Roswell , Scott Ward owner...$20 - $25 if I recall and he does a experienced quality job ...770 642 4880
Gold Glove Posted - 12/28/2010 : 18:06:22

I want to 2nd this recommendation. I took my sons glove there last week and the guy did an outstanding job. He had to take out the existing stitching, replace a fastener, and then restitch the glove. It looks brand new!!

Re-stitch or Re-string?
boo082496 Posted - 12/27/2010 : 10:19:06
Brian hodges, the Glove Guy. He's located in Dacula but will travel. Phone # 404-538-0530. He does a great job, give him a call.

Brian has done a good job for me also.
CSABaseball Posted - 12/19/2010 : 00:10:18
Cartersville Sports Academy 14 Felton Place Cartersville GA 30120
(Formerly Extra Innings)
I am the owner of C.S.A. and can re sting it for $30 unless you already have the new string in which case it would only be $20.
2-6 Sunday
2-9 Mon-Fri
9-9 Sat
CenterField Posted - 12/17/2010 : 14:33:33
Originally posted by a1prog

if you are in the marietta/roswell/sandy plains area go to the kroger shopping center at the corner of shallowford and johnson ferry. there is a shoe repair place that does this work. tightening is ten bux; restring is 20 and leather clean/condition is an extra ten. we've used him multiple times and he has always does the work in 2 days or less.

I want to 2nd this recommendation. I took my sons glove there last week and the guy did an outstanding job. He had to take out the existing stitching, replace a fastener, and then restitch the glove. It looks brand new!!
bbfan31 Posted - 10/19/2010 : 18:39:37
Brian hodges, the Glove Guy. He's located in Dacula but will travel. Phone # 404-538-0530. He does a great job, give him a call.
Sacrifice53 Posted - 10/19/2010 : 09:33:16
Hurricane, I have two options for you in the Woodstock area. Not sure what local is to you.

1) Fitzgeralds Sports www.fitzgeraldssports.com Bradley Fitzgerald
2) Wes Lecroy at First Baptist Woodstock Wellness and Rec Dept. 770-926-4428

Both of these guys work with the Gloves 4 God Program and repair countless gloves for donation to the Dominican Republic. Fitzgeralds manufactures gloves and baseballs at exceptional prices and quality. Wes is a former player at KSU and both guys know gloves and repair them correctly. If you donate an old glove they will repair most gloves at half the cost.
beanball Posted - 10/18/2010 : 09:01:16
A-Team Sports in Cumming will do it also. Not sure of the cost.
a1prog Posted - 10/17/2010 : 10:09:12
if you are in the marietta/roswell/sandy plains area go to the kroger shopping center at the corner of shallowford and johnson ferry. there is a shoe repair place that does this work. tightening is ten bux; restring is 20 and leather clean/condition is an extra ten. we've used him multiple times and he has always does the work in 2 days or less.
4for4 Posted - 10/17/2010 : 04:58:36
Check with Jonquil Sporting Goods, 770-432-1194. I know they used to do some for the Braves.
gking Posted - 10/16/2010 : 17:41:32
We use a local shoe repair guy in Alpharetta. He will not only restring but will also polish the leather up and make it look new.
$15.00. He just sewed my son's catchers mitt pocket back together also. He is on State Bridge Rd. next to Luciano's.

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