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 Glove Lost at ECB

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
southpawfan Posted - 09/27/2010 : 16:54:32
My son lost his glove at ECB last Thursday night on Field 2. It is a lefthanded Rawlings Primo glove with his name embroidered on it, so there is no question who it belongs to. If you have any information, it would be greatly appreciated. Will give reward if found.
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jongamefan Posted - 09/30/2010 : 13:59:13

[quote]Originally posted by goyard

I want in on that ego...we can call it Glove Jack and Bat Rat....:)

Spartan4 Posted - 09/30/2010 : 13:27:57
BAT RAT!!!!!
southpawfan Posted - 09/30/2010 : 13:02:24
When we ordered my son's glove from Rawlings, they shipped it off to have it embroidered before they sent it to us. Unfortunately, having his name on it didn't help us get the glove back. Sorry, I know that doesn't help you any. I'm not sure if a leather shop could do something like that for you.
prestont Posted - 09/30/2010 : 11:17:55
I have a question for the group.... Can you recommend a place to get a name embroidered on a glove?

I hope I'm off here but thought the only way to get a name on a glove was during initial manufacturing.

I've wanted to get my sons name embroidered on his glove for sometime, but have yet to find a place to do it!

Any recommendations that the group has would be greatly appreciated.
goyard Posted - 09/30/2010 : 08:45:45
I want in on that ego...we can call it Glove Jack and Bat Rat....:)
Alter-Ego Posted - 09/29/2010 : 13:57:33
I need to invent a GPS tracker you can implant in a glove to track it if stolen.
loveforthegame25 Posted - 09/29/2010 : 12:29:56
It even happened in Fort Myers. A kid on the Peurto Rica National team walked right up to my sons bag that was sitting behind the dugout and just snatched his bat right out of the bag. Luckily one of our parents almost ripped his arm off grabbing it from the little......
southpawfan Posted - 09/29/2010 : 09:50:33
From what I have recently learned from an insider, stolen gloves are a common occurrence, especially with the higher end gloves and is more prevalent in the older age groups. Hate to even think that a fellow brother would do something of that nature.
Hitman Posted - 09/29/2010 : 07:23:12
It's been said that locks keep honest people honest but a thief is going to be a thief and attempt to take what he wants. I tell my boys be responsible and keep up with your gear and be your brothers keeper... not to say we haven't had equipment walk away too. Live and learn.
Spartan4 Posted - 09/28/2010 : 14:46:47
Who steals a **** baseball glove......what in the heck is wrong with people????
Alter-Ego Posted - 09/28/2010 : 13:05:47
It saddens me to say, I don't think any of them were taken accidentally.
aj94 Posted - 09/28/2010 : 12:44:37
A Primo? Sorry to tell you but I doubt that was taken accident.
southpawfan Posted - 09/28/2010 : 09:43:44
DJ checked at the park for us yesterday and no luck so far. Love and Alter, I was on the same team so sadly I remember that well. We keep hoping since his name is sewn onto it that it will be turned in. Good idea about counting the gloves before leaving the park!
Shut Out Posted - 09/28/2010 : 09:07:53
Maybe ECB should think about having a lost and found??
Alter-Ego Posted - 09/28/2010 : 09:02:55
Hopefully since it has his name on it, it will be returned.

My son was one of the 6 that Love is talking about.
(Wilson A2000 LH Ourfielders glove. Black with Gray webbing.)

The next one I get will have his name on it.

I have gotten in the habit of now counting his gloves before we leave to make sure they are all there. They are too expensive to keep buying.

I hope you glove shows up. Maybe there is a place where all lost gloves go, like missing socks in the dryer.
loveforthegame25 Posted - 09/27/2010 : 18:18:29
Join the club. We had about 6 gloves lifted this past summer from that area. None recovered. Good luck

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