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 Benefit tournament for Roberson family

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TAZ980002 Posted - 09/20/2010 : 10:38:50
On behalf of the entire Bandits Baseball family, I would like to extend a very special thank you to the West GA Bandits for hosting the fundraising tournament this past weekend. I would also like to thank all of the teams that participated to make it such a great success.

To follow is a link to a Times-Georgian article detailing the unselfish nature of the West GA Bandits players, coaches and families. Rodney Kay, our hats are off to you. You are truly a great coach.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ATPP Posted - 09/22/2010 : 23:13:02
Coach Kay,

If interested, All-Tournament Players Park would like to offer our fields Oct 29,30,31 for a benefit weekend for Coach Troy and your Bandits. Since this will be the end of the fall season, it will be a great time for teams/players to come out and just enjoy some baseball competition. All proceeds will go to your causes and I'm sure our umpires will work at no charge. Maybe we could get Riley to perform that Saturday night as well.

Please contact me at kelleyknox@alltournamentplayerspark.com and we can discuss.
Spartan4 Posted - 09/21/2010 : 12:31:45
It is very amazing how people so devoted to beating each other band together and do whatever it takes to help each other. Ya'll are some great people
LeftyBat Posted - 09/21/2010 : 09:47:33
Originally posted by baseballpapa

coachtony: This very idea was discussed at the fields this weekend. What if several of us pledge our resources to be sure that these kids get to Cooperstown. The gesture that they have made has touched many hearts with mine being one and I know many at the ballpark that feel the same way that you do.

My 14 year old daughter is an up and coming singer songwriter who has been playing open mics and just recently began to get her first paid gigs. She is signed to an artist development agreement in Nashville and has made 3 trips there this summer. (made her public debut at the Bluebird Cafe this summer...) She has her first paying gig at Little Italy in Gainesville from 5:30 to 8:00 across the street from the Gainesville Red Elephants home stadium. They play at 8:00. We have been looking for charity events, good causes for her to play. We want to develop this positive character trait while she is young. If you put a tourney or other benefit event together, we will volunteer a free concert/show for your event to help it be a success. We could play at the fields after games are completed on a Saturday night or Sunday afternoon if you think of a way to tie some kind of event. You can find a bunch of her music on youtube. Just search for Riley Biederer... Her music facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Riley-Biederer/125205697518195?ref=ts We are open to any good causes and this seems like a great one our baseball family can get behind. Reach out to me if we can help...
coachtony Posted - 09/21/2010 : 00:09:46
BH, I am dead serious. I dropped you an email from within the system.

Papa...There is a certain joy in helping, as is being demonstrated by this teams selfless deeds. The same thing can be said to wanting to help this team get to Cooperstown. I would happily step back and let anyone participate that wanted to and I would simply make up the difference between what everyone else was comfortable contributing and the $11k that I am guaranteeing them. I will let you take that and run with it if you like....just let me know how much is needed to make sure the team gets their $11k.


baseballpapa Posted - 09/20/2010 : 21:27:12
coachtony: This very idea was discussed at the fields this weekend. What if several of us pledge our resources to be sure that these kids get to Cooperstown. The gesture that they have made has touched many hearts with mine being one and I know many at the ballpark that feel the same way that you do.
TAZ980002 Posted - 09/20/2010 : 21:01:52
coachtony, if you are serious, email me through the website and I will get you in touch with Coach Rodney.
coachtony Posted - 09/20/2010 : 16:59:41
Wow....what an amazing story. I am touched at the selflessness of this entire team (players, coaches, and parents). I am looking forward to taking our team to Cooperstown in 2012 and I am not sure who is more excited, the kids or me, and it is still 2 full seasons away. I can only imagine the sacrifice that is being made. Again, kudos to the entire organization. Pure class.

I have always believed in Karma. I believe that ones good deeds (or bad deeds) will come back to them in multiples. To that end, how would I go about about contacting Coach Kay if I wanted to fund the trip to Cooperstown for the boys so that they can get both the pleasure of giving to a family in need but also the joys of competing at Cooperstown? I will make them a pledge that if they will continue to raise money for the Roberson family this Spring and reach their original goal of $11,000 and donate that entire amount to the family, then I will sponsor their team for $11,000 to Cooperstown. My part is the easy part, their part would require some more work but it sounds like they could do it.


bigfan Posted - 09/20/2010 : 15:31:07
Awesome and not only is Coach Kay a great coach but an even better person.

My son will be reading this when he gets home from school.

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