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 Woo i like winning and all but man

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SouthSide24 Posted - 09/04/2010 : 00:08:25
this is gonna hurt..Our team is returning 8 kids, which is good...We, I thought needed 3 more players for my sons 12U team...Well we get 4 new players and I didn't see a particular player back..So, I ask where he is, long story short they (coaches) moved on without him..NOW, he is not the stud, etc player.However, he brought more energy to that dugout and he would never complain about sitting out and was a hard practice player..just a great kid.Parents were outstanding and were out going and always team first..
We play scrimmage last weekend and I tell you what, he was sorely missed by the kids..No energy, something was missing..wow some cuts just are gonna back fire on a team, hope this one doesnt..gotta see how this develops.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dblinkh1 Posted - 09/04/2010 : 12:36:55
Always tough this time of year when players switch teams for whatever reason. Still very early to worry about team energy. Give them time to bond with the new guys and hopefully a new leader will step up.

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