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 Fall Player Development Programs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
diamondstarz Posted - 08/31/2010 : 21:56:52
Diamond Starz Baseball and Softball Training Academy has released their Fall player development program schedule.

We are offering 10 week development programs for hitters and pitchers age 12 and up, 10 week Total Athlete program for ages 9-12 and 4 week Fundamentals classes for ages 5-8.

The Off Season is the time to get better and TRULY prepare for the next season of competition.

Space will be LIMITED to 12 players in the hitting and pitching programs. Limited to 15 in the Total Athlete program.

We have one of the top hitting instructors in Atlanta in Lincoln Martin. Lincoln is a former pro player and is now a scout for Houston. He knows how to recognize and develop talent. Lincoln signed Houstons #1 draft pick in Delino Deshields. He has helped countless number of kids develop into collegiate level players.

Chad Sosebee and David White round the instructors running these programs. Both are excellent TEACHERS of the game and in the skills of both pitching and hitting.

We are only enrolling serious athletes who want to invest in their development and who have the commitment and desire.

Please visit our website for more details.


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