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T O P I C    R E V I E W
stanlewis Posted - 08/22/2010 : 22:12:03
Because I hadn't had time to look at them earlier, I was going through the unmoderated posts that had accumulated over the last few days. While doing this, I clicked on the wrong button and deleted all unmoderated posts. I don't know that it was a bad thing and sorry if there were some good ones that got deleted. There were 5 topics that had gotten way off topic and had become personal so this is a good time to just reset some things and start over with some topics.

I often get emails asking why a post has not been moderated when they see ones from a later time show up. New posts concerning tryouts, questions, etc are simple and a lot of times I do them while on the phone waiting on someone or I am at a public place doing a quick scan. Topics that get a little heated I have to wait until I have time and can unwind what has occurred before. The topics I was going through tonight contained some posts that should not have been posted and therefore had some replies that compounded the problem. This is because I hadn't taken enough time to evaluate them in the first place.

Some current issues we have had:

Posts for tryouts can have replies asking questions. They should not have attacks on the team, players, coaches, etc.

Any disagreements with posters should be worded by stating your case not attacking the person making the statement. You can refute someone without making derogatory statements about their character, etc.

Sometimes if posts conflict and appear to be rumors I wait until I can get some confirmation. Sometimes it is good and sometimes it is bad.

The tryout frenzy is winding down so lets start out the new week on a fresh note and thanks for participating in the forums.

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