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 Fund Raiser Opportunity for Travel Teams & Parks

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jrosenberg Posted - 08/22/2010 : 14:25:11
I run Oregon Park's 9U Travel Team and a Board Member working on Fundraising. I want to share a great fundraising opportunity for both parks and individual teams. I have access to Phiten titanium necklaces. We are selling them for $15+ and having a lot of success. We can get them with logos or colors of choice.

Your cost is $10. Minimum order of 50.

If interested you can email me at rosenberg_j@bellsouth.net.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jrosenberg Posted - 02/16/2011 : 07:37:46
Some phitens remain if anyone is interested in an easy fundraiser. $10. Email me if you would like information.
jrosenberg Posted - 01/11/2011 : 21:42:53
Just received January order. Anyone interested in this fundraiser should email me at rosenberg_j@bellsouth.net. We've paid for over 1/2 our season selling these around our park, community, and friends. Very successful selling for $15 or two for $25. I also have some Authentic Braves in Grey and Red. All are authentic phitens except the titanium pink/purple for girls. These will go fast. Email me if interested. A number of other teams have taken advantage and done just as well!
jrosenberg Posted - 12/09/2010 : 10:09:49
We are about to place an order for January delivery. We can use others to help reduce the cost of shipment. If interested send me an email. Rosenberg_j@bellsouth.net. This will probably be our last order. Please email if you are interested in doing this Spring Fund Raiser. It's been very easy and we've sold enough to nearly pay for our season.
jrosenberg Posted - 10/21/2010 : 14:35:41
We are about to place an order for January delivery. We can use others to help reduce the cost of shipment. This fundraiser has paid for 1/2 our season. If interested send me an email. Rosenberg_j@bellsouth.net.
jrosenberg Posted - 09/05/2010 : 23:21:40
for anyone interested please get your orders in ASAP. We have set up an ability to pay via credit card through Google Credit. If you have asked for the order form please respond as soon as possible so we can place the order. Our team needs more and we are trying to order all at once. So far we've sold over 300! It is so easy....

I can send the order form.
jrosenberg Posted - 09/02/2010 : 22:22:03
It is amazing how easy it is to sell these phitens. Now we have Braves and made some custom for our park. We sold 68 this week at $17 each. Great idea for those that also play football. A parent sold them at a football game.
jrosenberg Posted - 09/01/2010 : 22:39:19
Amazing results from our fundraiser. I can't believe how easy it is to sell these things. Email me if you are interested.
lottapop Posted - 08/22/2010 : 22:33:53
Thanks for posting...I will pass the word on!

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