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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hastingsfam Posted - 08/20/2010 : 11:51:09
I've been reading but have decided to join, I love Baseball and usually just watch tournaments and enjoy the game!!! ...I have question(s)..I've seen several Teams having tryouts posted here, and it seems East Cobb, 6-4-3, GA Roadrunners, JCS, Team Wilson, KnockHouse are all looking for players, who is offering what? And what makes a player decide where to play or is it the Parents choice?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Critical Mass Posted - 08/26/2010 : 07:13:32
My son has played a few years with Wilson. The lure there is a good facilty and not that crowded up to 13U in respect to practice / field time, also the "Wilson Package" which includes uniforms, bat bag, Demarini bat, helmet and wilson catchers gear to include mitt for about $600. The bats are usually $200 to $300 retail alone. If the "fit" makes sense with your kid, i'd recommend it.
dmb350 Posted - 08/20/2010 : 12:44:34
You'll need to contact each team as they post to see if they have openings and ask as many questions as possible to see if your player is at their level of play, if they need a player that plays your sons positions and what their program is about. I can tell you that at 14U, 6-4-3 is full, GA RR are full, most ECB teams are full but 1 or 2 are still looking for players.

Good luck.

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