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 12U Team Openings or Tryouts

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gear12 Posted - 05/21/2021 : 11:38:09
The Elite Slugger program was developed as a gateway to help 8U-12U players transition to the 11U-14U Team Elite teams.

We are looking for 12u Teams who would like to become part of our Elite Sluggers program, part of Team Elite!

The Elite Slugger program provides weekly training to the players led by Team Elite's professional coaching staff but coached by "dad" on the weekend. Price includes tournaments, balls, uniforms and more. We will provide instruction and assistance to individual head coaches with practice plans, drill ideas, game coaching strategies, lineups and other things on an as needed basis.

Please Contact us directly at elitesluggersbaseball@gmail.com


Elite Slugger teams are located in the following areas but not limited to:

Winder, Jefferson, Athens, Boganville, Brookwood, Cumming, Roswell, Alpharetta, Newnan, Johns Creek, Flowery Branch, Buford and surrounding Metro Atlanta areas.

You must register on line to attend a tryout. You will be given the opportunity to select the location and date of your choice with the registration

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